His face at the end:


Your neighbors actually put their cans away? Must be nice.

Well, it also helps to demand subscription costs from all players. But yes most “free” MMOs are also popular and print money.

I’m just gonna go out on a limb and guess that, they’re stupid and are probably running it off of 1 battery.

Get a trusted family member or friend to check up on it and don’t tell people you’re leaving for an extended period of time.

This isn’t flagged as Spoilers, ruined the show for me now…

That’s why cgi sucks balls nowadays. “Oh it looks shitty? Send it anyway, or you’re not being paid.”

They let the one guy off recently who did exactly that, and just for the record, it’ll be a lot harder for you if you only injure them… Js.

Netflix has been doing this to me too. They keep saying it’s my fault and that someone keeps reactivating the account (them). They won’t let me take my card off the account either, which has to be illegal in some way.

Ex-military so I fully understand, my point was more so about how you were saying that there is a “military standard” (which there is, in a way), but ultimately those military contracted companies can be the same or sometimes worse than general civi manufacturers. Also “Lowest bidder” doesn’t necessarily mean “poor quality”, but just remember, there’s a reason why they were able to bid lower than the rest. I’ve had many-many rounds misfire, seen them explode, stuffs fallen apart, and even on my first grenade range day one of them didn’t go off (spoon came off clean, was deemed a dud, wether it had no boom or fuse, idk.). So just saying, there’s no “All-Mighty Military Grade” like you’re implying.

Just remember, military ammunition is made by the lowest bidder. There’s a reason a grenades fuse is 0.1-5secs.

After a long day at Propane Con 24’

The movie 8 Legged Freaks, gives a pretty good perspective.

Guy literally got charged for selling secrets, how can anyone even trust him after that.

Millions of years, and finally they get it.

Well I mean, $1.29 Canadian is 99cents American. Welcome to our shitty dollar.