Chicago Cubs :chc3:

Nothing better than witnessing the new annual tradition of the mid season demise of the Yankees.

It’s pretty crazy how this seems to not register for many people. Like is he still mostly functional? Yes, but we’re also voting for the next 4 years. He’s doing there public a disservice by not stepping down.

When the nba sub closed it brought in a bunch of incels who thought the name was literal

Humptulips is such an insignificant and random part of the state, that’s like me formulating my entire opinion of Indiana based on Gary

Have you seen that Ballard of bustard Scruggs bit?

Hilarious coming from someone who lived in Indiana, SC, and Florida

True, however -.25 runs as a whole league is a pretty significant decline

I think it’s also worth noting that offense as a whole is slightly down across the league. Look at the mariners and the Braves, a significant amount of talent has just declined this year.

Bro I thought was tripping tf out when I saw that and my friend couldn’t

Dang Phillies have a prison food supplier for concessions 😭

Fred meyers closes around then and they discount the last of their daily donut inventory right before they close.

Miami Beat? I think they’re getting confused with the clippers

Is there a Kanye show coming up?

As a cubs fan this is a good thing? Why would we hold on to trade pieces at the deadline? We aren’t competing this year so may as well try and acquire some young talent for guys who are either near their peak value or aren’t on the team next year. Not selling at the deadline is exactly how teams get stuck in chronic mediocrity.

He literally only plays back to the basket or drives in transition, have you ever watched him bro? Just because he handles the ball on the perimeter doesn’t mean he isn’t a big. Also what small ball era are you talking about? This is the tallest the league has ever been?