Most definitely not the norm but also extremely lucky.

Is that supposed to make it much different 

Mercedes-Benz CLR

closer to half a century, which is really not that long 🤷‍♂️

The fates of those companies would’ve looked completely different had the merger gone through. 

It took you 20 years to realise where you lived?

Mercedes-Benz CLR

When your whole family tree (probably a straight line btw) going back 10 generations is dirt broke in the gutters and all of a sudden acquired wealth only in the last 2 generations, you never developed any class, taste or refined mannerisms and all you know to do is to slam your newly found cash onto whatever surface you find.

The end result is the only thing a customer needs to judge. 

That’s the launch price of the 7800XT. Moving up one tier with a new generation really ought to be the bare minimum. 

Offical Laptop Roaster

The ones available at launch should just be the currently announced ones, from asus and msi. As for performance, it seems most geekbench leaks are with boosting issues

why do you think Sony (Console is FAR bigger than the PC in AAA gaming) is also heading that direction then?

Offical Laptop Roaster

Given the market positioning of previous radeon dgpu laptops in the past 3-4 years, I don't even expect radeon dgpu laptop will be a thing at all with strix halo. If they aren't willing to deploy strix halo, they're not gonna bother with a radeon dgpu. The 7900m Alienware will yet again be another high end AMD Advantage that only lasts one generation (6800m Strix G, 6800m Corsair Voyager, 6850m XT Legion 7, 6800S Legion slim 7, 6800S G14, 6700m MSI Delta all never got a successor).

women and their parts

they finna drag you for transphobia because being a woman has nothing to do with body parts 🤠

Mercedes-Benz CLR

lamborghini literally is running a hypercar rn

Mercedes CLK-GTR #11

Maybe they should do a race with egg shape hybrid crossovers with spec CVT trans all in glossy clay paint driven by bleached blonde blob women. No marque will be left out.

Mercedes-Benz CLR

F1 is F1, the pinnacle of motorsports, even just the fact that they're there matters. They participate in both F1 and the top class at Le Mans for a reason, and it isn't to sell customer cars to racing teams.

I didn’t recall any mentions of efficiency or battery life in their mobile presentation though? 

Mercedes-Benz CLR

I know they’re an established ultra-luxury brand, much like Mansory is established as a luxury tuner company for people with money but questionable taste. Racing pedigree still matters, there’s a reason Ferrari’s brand valuation is so insane.