or just buy your shit and move on, like they did. duhh

funniest thing is NONE OF THE KIDS ARE USING THE PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT lmao like what in the helll

guy watches one video and is completely turned around and fervent in his new belief about imprisoning doctors. 2 days ago he was pretending to tow the line lmfao.

lmfao 56 genital surgeries? this is what they are losing their minds over? lmfao!!! that is a drop in the bucket, this is all to distract and even y'all are falling for it...

my gawd you young fans are annoying... hindsight is 20/20.. in other news, NOBODY CARES

white players leading teams. duh, why else are these dummies talking about dirk..

the tims app is so garbage i literally cant even use it. its horrible and laggy, crashes sooo often. how did they get it SO WRONG

jeff van gundy works for espn, of course he hates the halftime lmfao


the alberta advantage is uneducated workforce who can make 6 figures working in oil, then blindlessly support the conservatives their entire life while purposefully deflating wages in every essential service position possible.

what a puss lmao, goes are quiet when confronted lil guy has a long life ahead of him.

lmfao that guy "if groceries stores and gas stations go woke, i guess i'll just die then as i will have no other choice" bahaha. but seriously, what a dumb idea by bk.. my whopper better have a top bun and bottom bun ffs!

stop hurting his moral character!!


wtf is this... i mean, clearly trying to get traction with the youth, but SO CRINGEWORTHY like who tf thought yeah, this is coool....

we know france's immigration control is horrible, we see them burning homes and cars every st jean baptiste day...

if it was like 1/3 the amount of sugar, i dont think one could even tell it was less sweet. this is just stupid.

y'all are lucky, some of the moves he managed with the leafs while literally jump-roping the salary cap was masterful. wish we kept him......

they brought food to the homeless lmfao. that is where the homeless are. how would moving a mile away from the homeless help to get food to the homeless? this is not what you are trying to say, that is a bs justification given to cover the truth that they dont want the homeless to be fed unless they go to a homeless shelter, where the shelter gets $xxx govmt dollars per filled bed. duh.