Also those might all be profiles created on scam farms in Lagos and Accra.

Going forward any deposit should be paid to REA or landlord after you've actually seen the property and a tenancy contract.

Horrible language which attempts to sound official screams scam to me. They are going to take your deposit and that'll be the last you hear from them (that is until they will try to pull recovery scam on you next).

Yeah, it ain't gonna work with pre-made pans. They are pre-sloped, meaning there's a fall across the pan and a step up at the deep end, so you'd have a step down into the shower. If you cut the pan you won't be able to waterproof it properly. If you want this design you'd need to screed it yourself (which is being wall-to-wall is a piece of piss).

You'd need some serious filters for this and clean them too often. Roof cavities are hella dirty and dusty.

They used to, there must be a compelling reason why both major players gave up on private listings.

Reading between the lines I'd say they realised they incorrectly priced it and could sell it pricier.

Coach posts "I will literally abuse and torture your kids because WOKE" and parents be like "FUCK YEAH AMERICAAAA!".

On one hand, organised crime groups are using these apps to organise murders and extortion

They'll just keep using other tools outside of government control with just a bit more inconvenience. Encryption protocols like PGP are public domain, you can't put backdoor in them. I can exchange a key on a flash drive with me cooker mate, and we can just send text files encrypted with PGP on a airgapped machine to each other via any open channel. Incovenient? Hella. Unbreakable? Yes it fucking is, because there's just no backdoor you can put in at the point of where the encryption happens, you'd need physical access to the machine.

The article says they've just moved in, literally still unpacking. My guess is they couldn't figure out how to run heating in their new home. And that was their solution.

Лебедев за такое убил бы.

Of course, you just need to find the one compatible with your indoor unit.

Also, what the fuck does it have to do with cost of living? There's literally no mention of any of that in the article.

It's not photogenic but I can tell it tastes good as.

Your conveyancer should have told you what your rights are. If they don't know, hire a proper solicitor quick-smart.