Trump just convicted of 34 felonies by a unanimous jury he and his lawyers agreed to. Trump recently referred to ‘his juror’, presumably the one who only got their news from TS and twitter.

These crimes were committed to deprive voters of info that shows his corrupt lying character; it was intended to sway the election

Present the evidence of crimes and corruption that everyone else knows doesn’t exist

Any real world examples of this kind of power being abused less?

2020, Trump’s own “DHS: White Supremacists ‘The Most Persistent and Lethal Threat’ Within the U.S.”

His own FBI Director and corrupt AG didn’t support his attempt to overthrow the Republic. Barr might vote for him but the conservative wing of the Establishment won’t support a Trump traitor civil war

2020 military times poll of active service members found more support Biden than Trump

This was before the Putin stooge tried to overthrow the Republic and stole over 5000 pages of NDI

Two gravy seals died of heart attacks, another traitor got shot in the neck, over 1000 charged, ten proud boys and oath keepers guilty of seditious conspiracy, and Trump prosecuted for Jan 6 crimes plus theft of classified info

So you’re saying Trump was a wussy cowardly weakling cuz he was impotently unable to go full on fascist dictator in 2020. He’s a loser like his fans

Trump is an adjudicated rapist, a biz fraud, serial liar, traitorous Putin stooge, failed coup plotter and insurrectionist, a documents thief and now a convicted felon for more biz fraud intended to sway an election.

Only 25% of Americans are willing to call themselves Republicans. Only 2000 invaded the Capitol.

Where were you on J6?

I agree a “fuck Trump” sign is in poor taste, but that or a ‘Lets go Brandon’ sign doesn’t bother me as much as a Scotus judge public displaying their political bias, and abusing government resources to intimidate the mother of a neighbor they have a personal dispute with

Fuck Trump, and anyone that supports that Adjudicated, rapist, business fraud, Putin stooge, coup plotter, failed insurrectionist, thief of classified info and convicted felon can fuck off all the way to hell and back forever.

Antisocial pieces of shit.

What kind of piece of shit human would think this is hilarious? Oh.


If Trump actually debates Biden, Trumps worsening dementia will become evident to everyone, and he’s going to crap his diapers as ‘senile old Biden’ destroys him in debate

100 to 1 odds that piece of shit is a Trump supporter

This list of republican sex predators is over 1300

Who is making news tracks all sex crimes against kids; it’s disproportionately Republicans and church leaders

The charges were not ‘unlawfully classified as felonies’, this is bullshit. Trump got a fair trial, and the criminally corrupt traitor will lose on appeal

Each charge is read by the judge so Trump heard “guilty” stated 34 times

Yes; Trump is an adjudicated rapist

The Trump cancer charity was a fraud. Most of trumps businesses for France. He declared bankruptcy six times. He’s a serial liar and tax cheat. He’s banned from doing business in New York because he lost his New York civil fraud trial. He was a stooge for Putin while president. He tried to overthrow the republic on January 6. He stole over 5000 pages of classified information. He’s still lying about the 2020 election.

The antisocial pieces of shit that want to wipe out gay and trans People are gonna vote for Trump.

Except Republican’s had 38 times more criminal convictions than Democrats. It’s not even close; as awful as the corporate war pig Democrats are, they’re still clearly a lesser evil.

Trump is a serial liar and a lifelong business and tax fraud, before he became a treasonous presidential stooge for Putin, then tried to overthrow the Republic, and then stole over 5000 pages of classified information.

As if you’re really a “both sides” person