Your own people downvoted you based on how bad your argument was.

Whoa whoa whoa pal, you aren’t allowed to say that here.

Well your negative karma post in a leftist echo chamber says otherwise.

But why do you oppose a redundant bill? Would you oppose a redundant bill making murder illegal? No so obviously there is more to the story. You’re 10 levels less slick than you think you are, even to non-political types you’re trying to trick (who aren’t going to vote anyway lol).

Well you’re mentally ill so all is copacetic.

Coincidentally, most of the world is gay. /s


Never seen a Cole Bennet video that wasn’t cgi dogshit so… great…

Not how the burden of proof works m8.

There’s probably 50 other identical houses still standing.

I’m just going to take that as you throwing in the towel since that doesn’t make any sense. You sick burned your own dumb “hit a nerve” comment. Peace.

Funny you don’t realize you’re making fun of yourself here lol…

Ah yes, you hit a nerve so hard that you went through my post history and wrote two essays after I typed “cope”.