It's a shame. In most places land is worth far more than people.

:auth: - Auth-Center

Lmao but actions speak louder than words. Which country imported millions of other race to do slave labor and continue to treat them as second class citizens to this day? Find a European or Asian country that came remotely close lmao. But no they are more racist cuz they use funny words more than Americans

Lmao this guy was hilarious. Y'all are such sensitive susans

Shame. This dude was hilarious

Why the fuck do Meatheads who chug beer on the stage like a savage even attending university and getting degrees? Seems so unnecessary

What college is this?? Lmfao never heard of them

Senātus Populusque Rōmānus :spqr:

They're equally fucking cringe and stupid. Can we just have a movie about Japanese in Japan. What's with all this forced racial diversity. Fucking cringe. American cultural cancer

No a single credit score over 400. Trashy lmao

Anywhere, anytime??? Try to go to any downtown area during rush hour. DUMBASS

Lmao, concerts? Seems like it's going just fine over there. Stop sending my tax dollars

Figure out a way to solve it, slowed down economy is fine.just stop importing immigrants en masse lol