The first picture looks like it's straight from a crypt in Elden Ring

Boston Dynamics levels of robot abuse!

:flag_cz: Tschechien Pornostar

But the Passat is still older than him

Pretty cool Venom statue, STL?

Now we know who let the dogs out.

The proof that is a good piece of art is that I instinctively read it in their voices

:moravskoslezsky_kraj: Moravskoslezský kraj

Ve smlouvě máme napsané, že bavení se o platu s ostatními kolegy je považované za hrubé porušení pracovní morálky a bude potrestáno okamžitou výpovědí 🤷‍♀️

As far as I know, everywhere in competeive pistol shooting is shot with 1 hand.

The only sad thing about this is how many times it's been reposted and how many people don't know that its a skid.....

Tree supports are overrated. Leg supports all the way!

Clean. With some signs of rot.

Thanks. Never tried that because I usually just throw my controller on the bed and just angrily watch it devour me...

Luckiest woman in China


The iron maidens always boil my blood with every attack. But the grab is the worst. It always gets me and always oneshots me.....

Is there a third dude fyring off the takers flame?

Only two countries he knows