Let’s see it, some of these Americans need to see it to realize how dumb they look to the rest of the world…

OP you thinking too hard. If half the maps are random and half are somewhat random then ppl theoretically should complain less. Has absolutely nothing to do with lore considering we get a wundafizz in all maps. Maybe Zets has some lore with widows wine, but that shit stopped making sense when we started getting the perk on earlier maps.

How about the time the USA took down Godzilla ?

I think Lego Pics are supreme

Maybe adjusting internal clock on the box before the screenshot. Idk if I am correct, but i used to do this with timed anything for any game

It did not suck or blow but i feel like they both me the same thing

What gave you the impression I was a dentist?

After a pandemic. Business is great

You are loved, you are special, you is impotant

Unspoken = squeakers screaming not to do this and/or that.

I have always stood behind cold war… until yesterday. When xbox shit the bed. Cannot play offline zombies mode without internet so I will not waste another breath defending it

At some point this game stopped being cod and started being fortnite