There is a lot of trash in these bags. Yes I do use them for some small spots. If you have a way to screen out the sticks and rocks before would be best.

No, that throws a lot of nitrogen down. Cool season grows only spring and fall and this should only be done during those times. Summer and dry times the first number in the x-x-x on the bag should be 10 or less and is optional. Again only if you plan on watering it or lots of rain in forecast.

No, don't mow it, apply the weed killer first. The weeds need to absorbed the chemicals on the leaf first. Wait a few days after applying and then mow. Also make sure no rain for 24 to 48s for best results.

Also never apply any weed killer right after mowing. The grass blade has been cut open and the chemicals can causing burning at the tips. Most applications will usually state apply 24 to 48 hours after mowing to give the grass time to seal up the cut tips.

Yeah fert companies are going to always want to sell more fert. Putting this down depends on the weather. If you are hot and dry and don't plan on watering this in, you will just waste your money. It has that 20-0-8 so it will try and force some growth if your grass is stressed out. Get this down before you start seeing those high 80s low 90s and the rain is gone for awhile. It needs to get into the soil before that happens to be affective.

How new is the grass as you stated? You have to make sure you read the labels as they have a usage for new grass length of time. That maybe looks like Pigweed or a few others. It's a broadleaf week so 2,4,D should take care of it. Since you don't have much time just use a hose sprayer like . Just make sure the label does NOT say GRASS or LAWN killer, only WEED. Since the weed is so mature this will take a few applications to kill this off.

Generally in the summertime we're pretty dry here in the Midwest. Most of the time the grass will go into dormant mode which is just putting all its energy into keeping its root system alive and abandoning the leaf. So unless you have an irrigation system to keep your grass wet all summer, there's no point in fertilizing it.

That's why you'll usually see a spring fertilizer bag and a fall fertilizer bag. For the summer, the theory is that you just put down potassium and a small amount of nitrogen and that's supposed to help it with the stress of being in dormancy.

Exactly those are the older ones when they actually made good tractors. The new ones are cheap pieces of s***.

"Hey mom we found a small puppy that needs a home!". "Ok the food is here and the toys are over here"

No, that usually means your cutting too much off at once.

Yes that is fescue. Tall fescue has multiple veins that run up and down the length of the leaf.

The issue will be air flow, and if they're blocking the condenser with its ability to remove the hot air from the fins. Don't allow them to create a wall blocking air going around your condenser unit. This will affect your ac's ability to cool your house. If they get as tall as the condenser then yes those will be too big and too close to your condenser unit.

Your cool season grass is seeding. Just keep cutting your lawn like normal. If the grass stays stock, you'll have to cut it a little lower. It will stop soon.

From just that picture of that creamy color is coolant. If you see that on the dip stick too, you have an issue. You need to drain the oil and see what it looks like in the pan.

Not really. Mushrooms appear when the soil is decomposing something in the ground like tree roots. I've had many trees cut down years ago and they still appear at different times. Something that will a bit is Humic acids.

You know your getting charged for a Cat Scan right? 800 bucks right there.

Just txt her and state that you understand to give her space and how much you miss her. Also add you don't expect a txt back until she is ready.

Stuck up bitches on social media setting high standards. When you look into them they are broke and single.