I got milkshakes that bring all the boys to the yard

Am I the only one that noticed sprite missing in the last pic?

Just don’t be a bitch about it.

Some people gotta …. Ae fuck I give Up

Been there, done that. Butt hurts and im still broke.

BTW what’s onlyfans?

This is a typical scam yaar (says in Indian accent) baat now that I have yurr atension can I interested you in extension of yurr cars warranties. And while ve r on the topics ven vas da last times yuve had it yurr vents cleanings.

Usually when she ends up having a penis it’s a no no for me

Well, look at it this way. You have been able to overcome all of the above. Life has tested you in many different ways and you’ve been able to move on and move forward.

The situation your in now is just yet another challenge that you will be able to overcome.

Don’t give up. Don’t give in. You can do it. You will be able to handle whatever is thrown your way.

Your not a quitter, your not gonna lose this round bud. Your a winner. And I hope you brush yourself off and keep winning.

Some words of wisdom from Rocky that keep me going in tough times.

„The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!“

I hope I get an update from you tomorrow that your starting your life winning journey again.

Level 1000 gyaat

I disagree, he was an artist, but wouldn’t give him musical genius status. That belongs to true geniuses like PSY

That’s her greatest trick. Convincing the world she doesn’t exist.

Ohhhh. Can she like draw 👀 for a more realistic effect?

He can crunch deeznutz in his mouth

I disagree, I think of myself as a sexy motherfucker. I actually say it when I catch my own reflection.

I say „look at you, you sexy motherfucker you, with your tight ass and sexy physique and your manliness“ then I growl.

Does that make me gay?

Monkey in Space

Damn. I thought I was the only one. Do you also end your conversations with „Arrff Arrff what these bitches want from a nigga“

Well for the record I always say I have trash when I’m imposter and most likely caught. Trash gives me one last chance to kill before I get voted out due to the long time it takes to complete.

I’ve done this so many times

Pakistan. The corruption sucks ass. To it seems like everyone is out to get you. Hustlers at all levels trying to extract as much money out of you as possible.

The y especially pick on people that return to their home country of Pakistan from overseas. The assumption is that if you live outside of Pakistan then you must be filthy rich so they try and scam you out of as much money as possible.

Like bruh. We out here broke too. And if we’ve just retuned from 10 to 15 years away overseas it’s not because we made it and are coming back balling. We could only afford to visit one time in the last decade