Imagine buying merch lol

How quick did the “I love you” phrase enter the relationship

Please everybody give a listen to “a hymn for the greatest generation” by caspian

Song is just incredible

This is so bizarrely similar to what’s happened to me. Chubby chick confessing love, prettier chick throwing eyes all at work. Bruh this crazy

I’ve just kept it friendly and haven’t pursued any of it because I need my job lol

Lol I was just about to post about his “drunk” driving thing and you just did it better than I would have.

His actions were absolutely disgusting. I was hoping during the debate Trump would have brought some of this up somehow to show what kind of man he is.

I’m not a maga guy but a large part of my family just see Biden through rose colored glasses. I mean trump could have thrown anything at the guy during that debate, Biden wouldn’t have been able to do anything about it.

The kid sniffing stuff the crack addict son who was put on the board of a Ukrainian energy company selling access to his father to Chinese spies. There just so much wrong to the guy and sooo many people just don’t know.

You did great but if I can be a hater for a second….

I just don’t understand when people post covers like this why o why don’t you guys throw it some of YOU.

Do a little variant of the solo make it your own we know the original song make it interesting to YOU. Do we not all love John’s live little improvs?

That being said your tone was great and your playing was great. I hope to get to your level one day. :)

I’d love some book recommendations to accompany me trying to put gods words into practice

Guys I’m not even halfway through the OT I’m new to this stuff. However I’ve been listening/reading to a lot of Christian sources and so in addition to my first ever full read through I’ve skipped around a bit.

I had a situation at work recently and after reading the surmon on the mount I didn’t know how to handle it.

So 2 different people asked to borrow money from me and after reading this

“And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭40‬-‭42‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I thought to myself I must. Before it was a rule of mine to never lend out money it has always backfired on me.

So I do it. And of course it backfires :) 3 weeks go by and neither of them mention it yet in fact I watch both of them buy things darn near everyday I’m there with them. One of them even flashed a few bills at me because he was happy he had some money in his pocket. I thought to myself surely he’s going to remember but no.

So I know is silly but the whole time I was struggling to know if the Christian thing to do was just to let them have the money. Should I even ask for it back?

I talked with my brother(not religious) and my other coworker(religious) and they both told me to ask.

So I do and it was kind of weird, they both acted kind of upset about giving my OWN money back. It was almost like they were upset I found them out like they were planning on never paying me back in the first place.

Do you guys have any recommendations to better understand these passages and how I could actually conduct my life in a godly way?

I’ve done some looking around and I think I might try the life application study Bible.

Is this a good book? Do you have any other recommendations?


He’s so good at striking, I think he could easily become super competent in wrestling in no time.

He’s probably already at a high level, hopefully his training is 90% wrestling/grappling 10% striking right now

How about being passionate about someone else’s passion?

If you tried to take interest in another’s interest you can usually “get” why they like it and maybe you’ll warm up to it

It’s just the weight, your very pretty now but just wait, you’ll only just keep getting more beautiful.

Are they semi free forms? Dreads are awesome

Did he just play the intro? I thought Josh was the only guitarist to play it live

Nvm I’m thinking of dosed

Do you have any recommendations for a vendor of a high quality bible?

I was maybe hoping one with some kind of reinforced paper (hard to accidentally tear)

I was in the same camp as op and started reading the Bible and then sort of gave up because it’s hard especially the kjv.

So I started watching The Chosen, basically cried every episode and now I’m earnestly reading the esv alongside listening to the Bible in a year podcast, he uses nrsv-ci.

My goodness I think I’m starting to believe

Lol this post reads like you hate him but for some reason wanna promote his stuff


Iranian/Argentinian are my top picks for most attractive women

Please god, let me fall in love with one of them lol

Please don’t be in the video

What life? Did you misunderstand the hypothetical?

Your question is a duh answer that 18 year old killed someone and will have a felony on his record and therefore will not be allowed to own a firearm

Monkey in Space

That’s already happening with celebrities

Curious if I can do an extended fast coming from a low calorie dietWater Fasting

I’ve been very strict with my calories for the past 2 months. Maybe borderline dangerous, maybe.

According to a tdee calculator for my height and weight age, I get to eat about 1200-1400 calories a day in order to lose 1.5-2 pounds a week.

I’m curious if I can do an extended fast say 7 days starting from my low calorie position.

I’m quite familiar with fasting although I haven’t participated in about 2 years but I’ve done various fasts ranging from 1-14 days.

My goal would be 7 with the stipulation that if I felt ok I’d go as long as I could.

Curious to hear your thoughts and experiences if you’ve been in the same boat.


The acoustic version is also great. I’m not sure which I like better