Beautiful tree. It reminds me of the Monkey Pod tree that’s all over Hawaii. If Beech disease ravages your area then you have a similar fall back tree to annoy your neighbours with, I heard they’re fast growers as well but not sure if true.

Nobody was protecting her, they were protecting the hospital and future profits. I work in healthcare, two years remain till retirement and I can’t wait. Working in this field is very disheartening.

:Cowboys: I’m not your buddy, pal! :Cowboys:

Thank you for making me a better person bot.

:Cowboys: I’m not your buddy, pal! :Cowboys:

Why would I flare up? The traitor has given me the courage to not choose a team until week 8. For real though I want a cowboys star please. How do I get one? Do I have to pass a test?

I grew up in DFW, have a lot of self loathing issues and I’m dumb enough to try and have a rational conversation with a bot that called me a pussy.

If I passed, I want a Dallas star with the tag line, “I’ll decide to wear my jersey in public after wk8”

:Cowboys: I’m not your buddy, pal! :Cowboys:


Came here for the Star Wars comments.

Firmly ma’am. I would recommend a touch of caution in your zero evidence convictions. As science and technology improves, fiction has a way of becoming fact.

Well said bro! I love the thought of us tapping into the shared unconscious more easily when we dream but who knows bro? Ma’am above sure don’t.


Well you’re not my buddy, pal! edit to add My goal wasn’t to bully you or make you feel bad and definitely not to have you delete your profile. I apologise, I grew up with multiple sisters, both older and younger, and young 4587272 learned very early on if I retaliated physically, even when getting hit by bigger sisters lol then I was always the one getting in trouble. I learned I had to defend myself and attack with my words lol. As an adult my ability to annoy women is top notch. The buddy/pal comment is just a funny bit from a show. Again, if you see this then please know I apologise and hope you have a great day or night. :)

4-5 hr days for full time compensation sounds amazing, you’re prolly aware but the private sector is usually not onboard with half days… everyday. I know what I’d do.

I believe Texas is a one party state. Sounds like your neighbor might be dumb enough to admit his actions if you approach him with calm questions rather than heated accusations. Hidden camera or voice recorder for the evidence. Also, don’t forget this is Texas and if they’re completely unhinged then it’s not even worth it. Especially in Texas.

I think Mr. Taintum was giving a personal anecdote in support of this particular comment chain about “corporate world bullshit”. This would have been clear had you been paying attention lol.

Would love to hear about his perspective. I’ve always enjoyed asking people in my life I’ve come to trust, “have you ever experienced anything you can’t explain?” I know witness testimony is unreliable but I just love it’

Rick and Morty. I won’t tell you which episode… just start from the beginning.

Last one I played was bf4 and it was great. I’m thinking of getting back into it. Should I boot up 4 again or should I go with another? The newerWW2 battlefield looks interesting but curious what this community thinks. I enjoy a good campaign and online.