I don’t think it’s a matter of lacking courage, I think they simply have no interest in challenging the status quo. Especially now that they’ve built a fortune from it.

It was my first time seeing them, super short notice too, so I’m really glad it was in such a perfect place!

Yes, the QR code was a link to the Herbaceous Border site. Haven’t signed up yet either but the sample content is pretty cool. I was at the kzoo show too, what a perfect venue!

A third who also has insurance knowledge? Good luck finding that unicorn!


Sometimes they do, but then they blame Jewish people or the LGBTQ community for the existence of porn so it still misses the mark.

edit because my fat fingers put Q instead of G in LGBTQ

This is one of those comments where the layout makes it clear you did a frenzied Google search and dumped anything you could find. Some of that’s interesting, some is trash and unreliable, but most of all, it doesn’t prove the original claim that women don’t self improve. Hope it made you feel better though!

Didn’t realize Daisies was such a cliche—I wasn’t a film major but I ask nearly every film nerd I meet about it, simply because I want to geek out and they’re the most likely to know what I’m talking about.

I’m really glad the officers offered, but you’re right, having employment would at least put her in a different category from the “emergency” cases. Receiving housing assistance/advocacy unfortunately does not guarantee actual housing—even if you’re “lucky” enough to get an emergency housing voucher (air quotes because one is generally in a very bad spot to receive one of those, and the waitlists are…long), for example, good luck finding a place that accepts it AND has rent/utilities within the allowed price range. I can’t speak for Midland county but over here in Isabella it’s really rough.

I didn’t expect rail transport to enhance my live music experience but it really did make last night feel special!

Now that’s a lineup of charismatic women, damn! I always wanted to see the Sounds live

I like cassettes for my old car but yeah, no reason for four different versions of it. I don’t think the folks getting back into cassettes are necessarily Swift fans either.

Honestly bean flicker makes me giggle, at least that’s a fun activity! It’s really the issues with alcohol and consent that make Ye Olde Leg Spreader especially gross to me. Plus I always thought Soft Parade was a really fitting name!

Did they only let edgelords name their beers or something? The leg spreader one is pretty awful.

When I was in rehab I met an old woman who said she rented Danny DeVito s apartment in New York. I believe it because when I asked if she had any good stories about him, she just said he was never home and the place was a mess.

Mine too, but he was an MC5 teen who grew into a Jimmy Buffett adult


Come for the celebrity tea, stay for the critical analysis

It’s just another christian zionist fantasy making the rounds on the internet. Bummed to see it mentioned here.

Oh yeah can confirm his score was low, I think they said 16, but I don’t have a frame of reference for that. The thing is, you can take the test multiple times and recruiters are very willing to help people prepare/bend rules, like to a concerning point. So not only did he get a bad score, he also had a bad enough personality and personal history that the marines didn’t want to bother. Which to me seems worse!

I mentioned this to a recruiter I might know who found it hilarious and looked into it. He definitely got a low score but the rejection seemed to be more related to his personality and felony charges. Turns out they care about those a lot.

When people say stuff like this, all it sounds like is a weird revenge fantasy against progressives who dare support Palestine.

My grandpa also died in a nursing on April 1st about 15 years ago. If the other details didn’t match up, I’d wonder which cousin you were!