Tamers is my favorite, all the way! Data Squad comes next, as I thought the story really improved once they go to the Digital World.

Don't forget these fun ones too:

  • teeth = mandibles
  • fingers = digits

The "digits" one isn't too bad but personally I would find it distracting. Could work if it's an alien or a robot? "Orbs" and "mandibles", though, I would click on the back button if I was reading.

Trunks, always. For me, the trunks are usually "invisible", as in I stop really noticing them. The absence of them is distracting and makes him look like he's wearing a onsie pajama suit or tights that are hanging too low (most obvious in live-action suits). I prefer the trunks to look like briefs, not boxers or shorts or whatever.

That said, if he has to have a collar, I think it looks better with the no-trunks look.

No. If I don't like something in a fic, I just don't comment and I'll stop reading. And I wouldn't offer a critique or criticism unless I was asked.

It wouldn't be weird at all imo! Not only might you have something different you caught/liked on a re-read, but the fact you re-read it and commented will make that author's day! I've had a few readers like you and getting a re-read comment like yours sent me into the stratosphere with happiness :D

If it was me, I'd love comments that go into details about what/why a reader likes a specific plot point, scene, line of dialogue or character development moment. Doesn't have to be long, just something that goes into a specific of the fic.


Self-promo, but I have a fic that's Horizon + Detroit: Become Human.

Title: The Android and His Oseram [AO3 link]

Summary: A thousand years since the world ended. Humanity has regressed into living in tribes in conflict with animalistic machines. A thousand years until Oseram delver Gildun accidentally stumbles upon a deactivated CyberLife RK800 android called "Connor", buried deep in the crumbling ruins of the Old Ones, in a discovery that'll send him into the Forbidden West.

[ This fic is more of a fusion, with Connor basically being isekai-ed into Horizon where he has to pose as a human and hide the fact that he's an android (the Horizon world has machines as hostile toward humans and humans hunt machines for parts). The setting is like 90% Horizon with DBH aued to fit. It's essentially a post-post apocalyptic road-trip with Connor the Android joining Gildun on a journey from the remains of Yellowstone National Park to the mysterious 'Forbidden West'. Currently around 57k words. ]

Took me about 1-2 weeks. I just used that time to get some more chapters finished to be able to post.

I don't read a lot of fanfic, but I generally comment when I do and I make my comments specific to that fic instead of a general emoji or "I liked it". WIP/Complete status doesn't matter to me, although I generally like to read longer fic, so one-shots usually aren't my cup of tea. I'll read a one-shot if the summary looks interesting and if the grammar looks on point (oh, and fic formatting is done well so that it's not difficult to read).

Refer to something that happened in the chapter. Like if I especially liked a line of dialogue or a scene, I'll say what/why I liked it. Since you liked the chapter, maybe think about why you liked it?

Not being able to save. Like, at all. Also not being able to pause or skip cutscenes.


Advice? Well, if you haven't already, you should sign up for an AO3 invitation, which could take 1-2 weeks to go through. If you don't already have an AO3 account, you likely won't be able to post fic for awhile.

  • Don't type up your whole story in AO3's editor. It only saves it for a month, after which it deletes any drafts. Better to use something like Google Docs, and then copypaste it into the editor only when you're about to post to AO3.
  • Read the Terms of Service (TOS) and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Chances are they'll answer questions you had or you didn't know you had.
  • Don't post up placeholders: this isn't a fanwork, it's just something saying "a fic will go here". Don't do this!
  • Don't post up promptlists: this isn't a fanwork, just a list of prompts for others to fill out.
  • Don't change the post date of your fic to "bump" it further up your fandom's front page. This could get you muted or blocked by people.
  • Don't do a massive multi-fandom, multi-tag fic. People get annoyed but it and they'll likely mute or block you.

...So what? The author isn't paid and they're doing this on their own time, so you get what you get and that is a lot of fic you got for free. Like 99.9% of a story.

Don't be that kind of entitled reader.

Play FF7 Rebirth...or maybe I should get back to writing. Maybe.

Personally I don't mind being asked to update - it's how the update comment is asked. Like did the reader comment before? Did they actually comment about the contents of the fic or is it just "update please" and nothing else?


'only publishing complete stories so readers don't get burned' (such drama)

This one is a headscratcher for me. Like just read it, subscribe, and move on, this isn't some dramatic life-or-death situation and it's already free fic. Also the demand that an author only post complete stories feels like it's bedded in that reader's desire for instant gratification, not recognizing that writing multi-chapter fic is draining and time consuming for an author.

Plus, I question if readers who claim they only read complete stories/demand authors only post complete stories actually even comment when the fic is complete. I wouldn't be surprised if they demand the completed story, read it, and don't comment. They'll just come up with another rationalization not to lift a finger.

Really fun artwork piece! I like how you added ambience with the sun glow, and the posing is dynamic with both Superman sides. Never noticed that both suits have some kind of line running down the side until I saw it in your artwork.


"Dark", "and" or "as"...especially "as", I'm so annoyed whenever I keep using it.


For real, like...there was a post a few days ago that was basically saying that authors shouldn't be allowed to delete because they post to "an archive" and its somehow their responsibility to make sure their work is available at all times. Ridiculous and entitled. I also had someone posting to me that authors shouldn't delete their work unless they're, like, a criminal and that there was no "valid" reason to delete otherwise.

Like wtf, fic authors aren't paid. They can do whatever they want with the product of their free labor. Any reason they give to stop posting or delete is valid.


Well, shit, I didn't know there would be homework!

Are we expected to comment on every fic we read? Because I read a LOT and there are a lot that don't really inspire specific positive comments so I just leave a kudo as a "thankyou for the time and keep up the good effort." I guess I could write that as a comment but better than even money suggests it would end up here as another one of those "readers are so entitled and rude" comments to pile on.

Point me where I said you should comment on every fic just for reading it? I said that if someone genuinely liked a fic, and is capable of communicating on the internet, then surely it isn't hard to put together 1-2 sentences of why they liked it. That's the basic reading comprehension part I was talking about. Surely someone can read a fic to the end and remember even a little about it in terms of plot beats or character moments if they liked it.

With your post, you act as if the only comments are either super generic "wow!" or rude "decent writing but I'm tired of coffee shop aus. Can you write something different?" or "Great plot, have you ever heard of 'spell checker?'" or "the dialog was shit but the sex was f-ing amazing!". (Which, btw, are rude af comments if these are the types you're receiving?)

The fact of the matter is a reader can write a more specific, meaningful, polite comment but they choose not to because ultimately they just want endless free content with no absolutely effort on their part. Obviously not all readers, but a subsect of them will jump through hoops to rationalize away engaging by handwringing and making excuses is if a few sentences is some Herculean task (it isn't) while they're happy to consume thousands upon thousands of words an author wrote (an actually difficult task).

You have writers even right in this subreddit saying they do as you mentioned with A/Ns...and yet readers still won't engage. This subsect of readers won't post regardless of notes or handholding by the author trying to get them to engage. They just want free content and want the "free content" generators AKA the authors to just churn it out without complaint.

If you can't understand why authors could be upset, then I don't know what to tell you lol.


"Writing comments is so hard, not everyone is good enough with words to say 'I loved this'!"

And yet the people often saying this write a lot about how they simply can't do it - proving they can, indeed, figure out words. They just don't want to, it seems they rather just get free content without engagement and they'll bend themselves into pretzels to rationalize not commenting because they view authors as content machines, not people. Readers like this also conveniently forget that the author didn't just magically spawn the fic out of nowhere: it's hard and they struggled far harder and longer than it took to write a short comment of like a few sentences...

Personally I think if you can type online, you can certainly figure out how to write a short comment about what you liked about a fic's contents. It's basic literacy and reading comprehension. If someone can't manage that, I question if they actually understood what they read/actually liked it at all.

Thank you for being a stellar reader. Readers like you make it all worth it!

Ha, damn! You were on a roll. That's really awesome of you!


What's disingenuous is this idea that an author can't write for themselves AND want engagement too. Like there's nothing at all wrong with wanting kudos and comments. To act like they're the bad guy for wanting that gives off vibes of "shut up and go back to being a free 'content' machine".

Like sure, okay, make up all the jumping through hoops/rationalizations not to engage with the fanfic or author, but don't be surprised if the fanfic isn't updated or is deleted.

I roll my eyes when I see a reader complaining a fic was deleted and, when asked, you find out they never thought to comment when they've been reading the whole time.