Inspired by (directly taken from) the "After the End" Mod for Ck3. In game, it was for a specific dynasty, but I think it nails what I want in a redesigned Washington State Flag.

Polar Land Grabs with Mercator Proj.prediction

As climate change becomes increasingly beyond our control, humanity will rapidly clamor over the poles as new real-estate is exposed my the meltic ice. Charlatans will use people's ignorance of geography with things like the Mercator Projection to sell tiny slivers that appear as vast areas on maps.

Western Antarctica is the area that is in the Western Hemisphere.

I guess it depends on whether Taras had his own local cult or ritual offering.

Aragorn didn't care to check. "There is always hope."💀

I will diminish and go into the West and remain car.

They crossed the River Isen on midsummer's eve, disguised as riders in cars.

Curved sword is interesting. I know John Howe wasn't into curved swords, I wonder if he is still involved.

People who honestly need higher pay due to constant medical and disability expenses.

Boo Washington heraldry for State of WA.

Confirmed. Studies show best titles don't try to come up with a joke.

You know what happens to an apatosaurus that gets struck by lightning?