I have the same light might make this. Very cool

Then no that is not normal. Take it to the dealership. Let them sort it out

If you took a slightly damp cloth and cleaned it does it come out? Or does it blend? Is it bumpy? It’s hard to tell from the photo.

I don’t know if it’s a Samsung thing. But the best thing to do is remove everything and turn off the freezer portion. Let it thaw out. But it’s crucial to remove all the moisture. Or else it will just keep happening over and over again. If you did remove the moisture and it happens. Then it means that the freezer isn’t air tight and air is getting in and that moisture is building up. Or the ice maker is not working as it should and leaking water or spilling where it’s not suppose too and building up. Make sure your fridge is level on the floor as well and not tipping back. That can mess up the ice tray.

I don’t know about Pennsylvania but in NY if a tree is over another property or line. Whoever is on the other line can do whatever they want to that space over the line.

If it only happens with certain filament just avoid those then. Could also be poor tolerances, bad batch. That could happen too.

clean scratch free rims look better then big banged up ones...

What others said in the comments are right. But another great thing about the 20’s is you pretty much never scratch up your rims on a curb cause it’s never high enough. Just an every day thing. I’m alway trying to get as close to the curb with tight streets and how wide the defender is.

ahhhh okay, this makes sense. some glow in the dark filament run better on a larger nozzle. also double check that its a the right temperature for manufacture recommendations vs a generic profile for PLA etc. You may actually have to run it hotter.

That sounds like some kind of other issue

Share a link and let us see what you are doing and what can be improved.

There is hand tool woodworking. Doesn’t make a ton of noise unless you are chiseling with a mallet. I was in the same boat. I do have a garage attached to the house but couldn’t do any power tools. I still can’t use my cnc because of naps in the middle of the day. But sawing and light chisel work was fine. So was hand planing.

I knew this and made the stupid mistake of adding some filament and accessories on it one time. Wasn’t thinking. It happens. You live and you learn. It’s just money. You can easily make it back doing 3d printing stuff. Just move on enjoy the printer. Don’t get hung up on stuff that happened. Learn and move on. It’s not the worst thing to happen or will happen to you. So don’t let it waste your time.

If only you can get roof rack and put all kinds of boxes and storage up top and strapped down and look good while up there… 😏

Thank You. I do a lot of making in general and constantly learning new things. I pick things up fast. Sewing I feel like is just about an order of operations. Just taking it one step at a time. Helps if you are the check list type to write things down and cross it off as you go. Also I am just copying things at the moment so it's easy with a guide. I hope to make my own designs real soon.

So that seam does have some structure and strength for the bag. But the majority of it will be on that bar stitch there will be a point where the weight is distributed across both seams. Just keep an eye on it. All bags at some point will need repair specially if we are overloading them or being rough with them. But thats what they are for. If it was me when it's overloaded I would just consider pulling by the shoulder straps for those times.

Like I said are we talking about 100 units or 100,000. Yes you can machine but it’s not the only way.

I think it’s a cosmetic issue. Cause the bar tack stitching below the edge is what really is going to hold that handle on. It looks like the stitching missed the bit of binding fabric. So the stitch there might be a bit loose because of that so the seam stretches a little open. You’re probably going to be fine.

If it bothers you visually. Then you could just hand sew it tighter.

Aluminum can also be casted. It would really depend on which process is more cost effective. Based on production numbers of an order.

What is that pocket called? So I can search to find tutorials on how to do them?