And I’m Tits… Ron Burgundy

I’m pretty sure the second half has already come to pass.

The girl isn’t in middle school. They are going to have sex behind the middle school.

I realize this is… not great. But it’s somehow also hard to say why it’s not ok.

Here’s your weird hat and strong opinion about the Bears. Enjoy

It’s such an edgelord thing to do

This kind of endorsement would have meant the world to me back then

Most people aren’t downplaying it, they are failing to deal with their trauma. This entire country has whatever post-trauma disorder people who weren’t in combat get.

I want to do an all-primaris force. I like those guys and red is an easy color for me.

It’s weird. It stands out. You’d probably never pick that look, but it’s already there, and that makes it beautiful.

I am coming back after several years and I am thinking blood angels.

I am confused about which are primaris models and which aren’t.

The circle completes and the cycle begins anew.

One of the bounties looks like Ron Swanson

Yeah. Imagine if the cracked wood looked like a mouth of monster teeth.

A good luthier can fix this no problem. I had an SG that broke in the 90’s.