In what way has it become clear that people aren’t still willing to vote for Trump? I’ve mostly seen people not caring at all.

Locals to not give a shit and students just follow their lead lol. I’ve seen this happen a lot around the newer student apartments near Temple.

Yup I’ve seen plenty of those. Best to get the adjuster involved early so they can be on top of things.

I mean it’s totally fine to have a contractor work directly with the adjuster but not even calling your adjuster to explain to them the specifics of the fire/smoke loss and to see if they need any information from you would be weird. You know much more about the chain of events than the average restoration worker would.

You would need to ask an esthetician their opinion 😉

This would make a great alternate sign but I feel like we need a primary sign with a lot more going on in terms of design.

Liberty Bell gives it a nice Philly vibe IMO

I picked it up years after release and ended up really enjoying the multiplayer. It’s obviously bland compared to BO2 but it was plenty of fun.

Well what would be the reason not to speak with your claims adjuster first? You can run all of the information by them and let them know what restoration company you plan to use and that you plan on claiming ALE too.

Besides that, the other commenters answered your questions very well.

I’m sure you have plenty of examples that don’t involve anonymous strangers on the internet and trolls

Half of these would have been used daily by millennials lol

Best answer would be from your adjuster

The bracelet costs like half the price of the watch 🫣 I just accept that the bracelet is not so nice and got a San Martin as my next purchase for the higher quality bracelet.

Very cool collection! First time seeing most of these for me

Yup I noticed the low power reserve too but it’s not a major issue for me. It’s definitely a looker although the bracelet quality is not so great