Going off the population numbers for South America, this is from 2021. If this is 5 numbers for Anglo America are off by quite a few million.

It sucks to say, but I'm guessing the vast majority of people on this planet probably think the same way she does. People are tribal and will naturally find comfort in being around other people who look like them.

This world would be a better place if that wasn't the case, but unfortunately, it is.

I wonder how many fewer posts I'll see in a day if I block you.

That is such a ridiculous thing to do. " You lied, so I'm going to as well."

Someone actually downvoted you for saying this. Reddit is wild sometimes. Sorry that you have had to go through that.


I'm just commenting so I can check back later to see if you've posted pics.

Was looking for a bet for this game, decided to tail you.

Edit: nice hit! Appreciate it.

Definitely not going insane, though there are some insane takes in this thread. People are really in here acting like he should lose his family over this. The guy wasn't going off on a golf vacation. He was trying to help his sister, who has no other family, with giving birth. He's also realized that he went about it poorly, and instead of acting defensively, he took accountability and apologized.

In my eyes, he's a better person than anyone in this thread acting so hateful towards him.

Like others have said, if you want nightlife, go with Kelowna. If you want to chill, osoyoos is the place to go. I've stayed at spirit ridge resort before in osyoos and it was great, albeit a little pricey. We split the cost between 6 people, and it wasn't too bad that way. We booked a half day wine tour as well that picked us up at the resort, took us to about 10-12 different wineries, and then dropped us back off. Was definitely the way to go since we all wanted to have some drinks. Might be something to look into if you go with Osoyoos.


The guy no question fucked up but I see so many posts on here of people digging their heels in, being combative, and never accepting that they're in the wrong. This guy took the criticism to heart, realized he was being a schmuck and took steps to make amends.

Comparing OP helping his sister through childbirth to a dad who thought sporting events were more important than his kids are, is wild.

And yet, good enough to get those chances. If that makes canada bad what does it make the team that gives those chances up.

This is a weird take considering Canada was favored to win this game.

Edit. Lmao, downvoting does change the facts dumbasses.

The number of times I would have been robbed or taken advantage of when traveling is too many to count. If you're a trusting person, you have no business traveling unless you're going with someone who's been before.

VAN - NHL :61312:

League needs to put in a rule next year that all dumb fuck fans that bang on the glass get kicked out.

"Mate, I couldn't agree with you more. She's still that naive, infatuated girl he manipulated years ago. Still malleable, she needs to get her priorities right and dig deep and find that mama bear"

You wrote the above about another redditor a day ago, and while the situations aren't the same, some of the advice given can certainly be applied to you.

You need to dig deep, stop being malleable and stick up for yourself. You already know how to give others the advice, all you have to do is practice what you preach.

The most recent movie would be the Holdovers. People seem to love it, but that one was a struggle to get through for me.


The only reason I started watching the WNBA is because of what clark did in college, but I'd be a moron if I didn't recognize that the best player in the game is A'ja, and vote accordingly.

So yes, the effect absolutely comes from Clark for me, and I'm guessing I'm not unique in that.

When you know if you're using your 6 or your 9 and it doesn't matter because you hit them the same distance anyway.

Saving this comment and giving elden ring another try.