I’ve been on the Mc program now for about 2 years or more I was with Atlus/Monivea Rd. Their service can be good and other times horrible. I had to speak to the dr today for a new script like. I’ve done many times before and he went through the whole the whole process for 20 mins then out of the blue he says are you on methodone because I’ve got a not here on my file that says your on the opioid program, as they put it. I couldn’t lie as he already knew, then I got a shot to the heart. He said he wouldn’t be able to fill my order because things have changed. I’m absolutely shattered, I used MC as something to help me not relapse on heroin. Now all I want to do is use heroin I’m so shattered. I got very little MC left so I’m freaking out. Can anyone please help me. Is there MC program anywhere that doesn’t judge for being on methodone and let you order. Any help would be hugely appreciated!!! Thanks. 🙏🙏🙏