How many Mexican ice cream trucks are going to pass under there?

Exactly! Just draw a couple of air bubbles above his mouth and it's all good.

Piggyback on someone and get two people in the theater for the price of one. The coat will pay for itself no time.

Thanks. I am not the best speller. My words are not always goodly......


Double my odds when hitchhiking!

Totally not fair. You need more holes in the table to play this game, or the cat will get a concussion.

Cat sous vide.

Terrified genius pushing on a pull door.

Bejesus! That scary.

Someone should image stabilize him and make it look like an earthquake.

Your cat plays better drums than Ringo Starr.

Mother nature's touchless boat wash.

It's over bumpkin i have the high ground! BAAAAA!

She's the chef. She is just flabbergasted that you ordered blueberry pie with fillet mignon. Now please leave her restaurant.