Awww that’s so kind of you. Of course, I’m glad I could help in some way. This is so hard to navigate and very scary when you’re unfamiliar with the process!

Okay good glad to hear it. Do more research on that and you can also talk to your insurance about who/what they’d cover.

Awww I’m so happy to hear you stop and help out our critters. I wish more people were like us and bothered to even care. I like to keep a tally and notes of what, where, and when I see animals. Even if it’s dead, I record it. Our friends’ survival rates are low enough as is without human interaction taken into account.

Glad to hear they sent you to the ER, I’m sure your vitals were shitty lol. Glad you don’t have to be/aren’t recommended to be in psych, I certainly don’t think that’s necessary. Did they refer you to outpatient treatment with someone? They should get you a referral for an urgent nutritionist, dietitian, ED specialist, even Gastro.

Hiked moorman’s river the other day and found three crawling in my leg hair. Luckily I felt them. It’s important to perform tick checks at least once every 24 hours and always after spending time outdoors

You are correct, my apologies. It technically does not contain any active banned ingredients, but it does contain parabens and other chemicals.

Sorry! Ours flickered multiple times but didn’t fully commit, luckily.


I’m so glad to hear that you do/have done that type of work. I have as well and received my education and experience largely in doing so. The biases the majority of people hold against snakes is insane. They are arguably more deeply misunderstood by people than any other animal alive. The majority of snakes that come into contact with people ever, die. 30-50% of the American public admits to fearing snakes or having snake anxiety on some level. And those feelings make people do very disrespectful, cruel, and unfortunate things, sadly.

Nice joke post 🤷‍♂️😂

Yes they are good to have around. I’m glad you missed him! Snake and reptile roadkill overall is a much bigger problem than many people think, and it’s important to be conscious and alert drivers in general anyways ofc. I believe there’s really no excuse to hit any animal under 35mph in broad, sunny, daylight. (Unless it literally jumps out right in front of/into you)

Those sound like good options. Also, a BMI of 18 isn’t exactly fantastic? It’s like the bare “healthy” minimum if you’re doing it right, not that BMI is actually a good indicator of overall health. Just wanted to add that. Also FWIW when I went to my program I WAS in college. Sewerslide attempt and took a month off at home (and in the program 2 weeks) and took a W for the semester. I made up for it and still graduated a year and a half early, without losing my scholarship. It was well worth the recovery time without the added stress, and your physical and mental health should always come before work and school.

That’s okay accidents happen especially the smaller they get, and you learned a lesson about how, when, and where to be more careful. Improving and trying at all is what’s important. I’ve hit more than a couple smaller frogs and toads, and I now know when, how, and where to be more careful. (Primarily by avoiding the situation entirely in my case. I was slowly cruising unknowingly through a breeding ground on a warm wet night. I was on the lookout, but missed a few.) I don’t believe there’s any reason to be hitting anything under 30mph in broad daylight. We avoid shrapnel, tire shreds, litter, rocks, debris, and other animals on the daily. Reptiles are no different 😌

I don’t think it’s a microburst if it’s been coming from the west for hours

It’s coming down hard right now! Branches the size of cars coming down just outside my apartment near Hydraulic

I’m so sorry honey.

If you do feel that way and you feel anxious or scared about ER or going full psych, you may be more than eligible for a temporary crisis stabilization program that will do just that, stabilize you- without the restrictions and confines of a ward. Completely voluntary, and often provide far better, kinder, and more support to people struggling with mental illnesses that are nonviolent and non suicidal. I went to one myself for a two week program and got healthier emotionally and mentally than I’ve ever been in my life. Worked out a LOT of trauma and PTSD stuff, got to the core of who I am as a person, good stuff. Food policies vary by facility. There is usually a communal kitchen or caf of some kind and you can make/get your own food, and ask for help if you need it. We did a lot of group and solo therapy work, fun activities, grounding techniques, getting on the right meds, etc without the “imprisoned” feeling of a hospital.

However, (and I’m not a physician,) you might need a feeding tube right now. Something otherwise only a hospital can provide to sustain your body for the time being, since you can’t eat. ER is 100% the move I’d make. You’re not being dramatic or too serious or anything. This kind of thing withers and kills our bodies. And it’s not safe, and there is help.

Hey girl! I have wavy curly hair very similar to yours and I think what you need more than anything is a curling gel/mouse/leave-in conditioner that will enhance your curls and waves, make them a little more uniform, and overall allow you to style how you want.

When you get out of the shower just squeeze-dry your hair a bit. Then get some product and work it through from ends to roots and let it be loose, scrunch it up with your hands and let it form curls, then you can just air dry or even add twists as it dries.

And this is why I never experience nice things 😭

Jk jk this is an awesome ass find!

Awww I’m so sorry to hear that. Thank you so much for taking the time to move him. It’s always a bummer when that happens but there’s no predicting exactly what an animals is going to do. Turtles especially can be very stubborn about routes and directions. It’s a tragedy but it’s the effort and the ones we can and do save that count.

This is 100% correct and everything you said is true. Instead it’s OUR job to not be brainwashed by models, beauty standards, social media, porn, etc when in reality you’ll still be blamed for everything anyways.

There’s a great couple songs about this I love called

“Hard out Here” by Lilly Allen

And “Everybody Supports Women” by SOFIA ISELLA

I would agree. If you haven’t been able to consistently keep food down, or you have been nauseous or vomiting for that long, it’s probably time. If you’re really physically feeling it like that, your body is already in worse condition than you think. One of the many reasons why EDs are so dangerous. There is NO SHAME in getting help properly for what you need.

Lmfao this gave me a good laugh. You poor friend.

Hi! Recently got over shingles myself and am a biologist. The short answer is we still don’t 100% know. But from decades of studies we do know there is usually some “stressor” to your system. That can be mental/emotional stress. Or that can be another illness, inflammatory allergies, even injuries (as was my case), autoimmune conditions, comorbidities, procedures, or otherwise compromised health.

I grew up there and understood it was pronounced and spelled differently by like, the second grade lol

Thank you, you’re an incredible person and we need more citizens like you! I see people picking up litter around town fairly regularly, and it’s one of the many things I love about living here. Just wish it wasn’t so necessary and that people respected littering laws in the first place.