I saw this a whole ago and I thought it was just ps3 and the old xbox too but I didn't see the bottom. Why does it say it will ONLY be playable on PC? If it's still on ps4/5 and newer Xbox?

That has to he cap. Because if it is then they are just killing their franchise in one big swoop

IMO I consider reshaders to make the game brighter cheating

I'll just watch jackfrags play it instead of redownlaoding.

That's a thing in this game too?? I knew it was really bad in for honour but didn't expect this


What I'm really hoping is that this could mean a new permanent game mode. Where you can sit in the destroyer and join other people's games and help shooting down from above. I'm probably overthinking it, tho

I REALLY hope me not seeing shit in the basement is that bug

Was literally thinking this after watching it's dead meat kill count

Rick grimes has really gone down hill

I enjoy playing Bubba, but I usually try getting 1 person and getting out of the basement as fast as I can. Can't see 5 millimetres in front of me.

Can't see shit on ps5 even with brightness to max, it sucks but makes it fair. Except PC cheaters using reshaders. Reminds me of when PC people would cheat in battlefield V by downloading a software that made their graphics incredibly worse but a lot easier to spot people.


I'm pretty sure it always points in the direction of your super destroyer.

I don't think sonny has bomb squad

Danny seems broken to me, probably because idk how to counter him yet šŸ˜‚, but the other day I was playing family and he tampered with the valve and I literally couldn't turn ut off until the fate opened. Seems a but unfair, no?