Dude so many. I have no idea how most of em are even close to profitable šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Missoulaā€™s downtown is definitely aesthetically pleasing, but once you leave the heart of Missoula area, it gets kinda gross. Nothing but them block type stores and casinos after you get outta downtown imo šŸ˜‚ but maybe Iā€™m bias because I grew up there, after you spend enough time in a place, things kinda get old. Especially the casinosā€¦ why is it always casinos montana?

If you donā€™t love the outdoors, montana is a pretty boring place to live. And I live in Missoula, probably the most fun town in the state too

Austinā€™s great, itā€™s just unfortunately in the middle of Texas

My go to as well. Good underwear was absolutely necessary in surviving a summer in Texas, so I ditched the Costco ones I had and leveled up to pair of thieves and they are def worth spending the extra money

Thatā€™s relieving! 14 still ainā€™t bad too tbh, especially compared to what it was like in Texas. If you had a slow night there, knowing you only got paid 2.13 hour especially fuckin sucked šŸ˜‚

Does anyone seein this know what the service industry minimum wage is in Chicago? Back when I lived in Texas, servers would get paid 2.13$ an hour because tips were considered included in their hourly wage. Meanwhile, I had friends in Colorado makin 15 an hour plus tips. Anybody know what itā€™s like in illinois? Iā€™m thinkin of movin to Chicago too and also work in the service industry so, yeah, thought Iā€™d ask!

I completely agree. I remember seein something on twitter about the federal government wanting to look into ticketmaster a few months ago. However, who knows if they still are going to, or if they ever even did, or what. But yeah, ticket master sucks

Lotta these comments really donā€™t understand the grasp Ticketmaster has on the entire live entertainment industry. Fees and Queues are common with buying tickets for any show that works with Live Nation, even at huge venues, and yeah, it sucks. I was recently at a show in Denver, at the broncos stadium, that sat probably 60-70k people. And guess what? Still instantly sold out. Still was in a queue. Itā€™s Ticketmaster guys, itā€™s always been Ticketmaster. Even since the 90s, itā€™s been fucking Ticketmaster. If you see Jeff Ament around town, ask him what he thinks about em hahah, Pearl Jam was notoriously one of the first bands to call them out.

So to those saying Logjam sold out, sure, I guess. But so so many acts have contracts with live nation prohibiting them from doing a show anywhere that isnā€™t run through ticket master, so if we want bigger acts to come through Montana, then weā€™re gonna have to deal with Ticketmaster.

Ticketmaster sucks. Everyone knows that. The artists know that. The venues know it. But again, the company has the music industry by the throat. Just is what it is. And honestly? Ticketmaster probably isnā€™t going away anytime soon either. So if we want bigger acts to come through town, itā€™s just something weā€™re gonna have to live with, at least for now.

Glad Iā€™m not the only one lmao. I love WLR, just canā€™t get into this new stuff. Lifeless

Jesus, apparently the owner was drunk and killed someone in their car, so I think thatā€™s why it closed. So uh yeah, Fuck that dude. Sucks for all the baristas there though. They were nice

Yep, just looked, and closed. Dang

Did they?? Idk, I moved away in March and they were open when I left.

Madrone in oak hill is underrated

I lived in Austin for a while, so Iā€™m biased, but I think itā€™s a really cool city, and Iā€™d definitely recommend visiting it. But San Antonio is a good town too though, Get some puffy tacos if youā€™re there!

Dallas is meh. Go see San Antonio and Austin instead

I always felt pretty safe in Austin. Others might disagree though I guess

Not at all. As long as youā€™re not bringing in like a bong and shit youā€™re good haha. I worked there years ago before it was legal and still never once saw weed get confiscated

I was one of those white kids from a wealthy(ish) family that wanted to be a SoundCloud rapper... and god, it was awful. Hahah

But, i was a high schooler in the 2016-2018 SoundCloud rap era, so everyone was into that stuff. I just look back and smile at the nostalgia it for what it was, and by god some people even liked the music I made back then (not sure how tbh).

I still love to make music, but not so much SoundCloud rap. Hahaha, now I just look back and laugh along with my old ā€œcringinessā€. Itā€™s part of growing up. Itā€™s part of life.