That's a big part of it, I think. Women who were miserable during their own pregnancies but because of their own choice or cultural norms or whatever social pressure, they had no way out of it. And they hate seeing that other people can make the choice they wanted to (and couldn't) when they were the ones in that situation.

"If I had to go through it, everyone should!"

Until it means something they don't like.

For example the Bible outlaws eating Pork and Shellfish and such, but they just ignore that. The ones that know WHY they ignore it (and there aren't many) will say they ignore it because it was just good advice at the time to avoid disease. So what is the Bible? Good advice or the divine word of God?

It is the longstanding opinion of the Americanism Commission of The American Legion that it is acceptable to wear clothing that has an image of the American flag on it if that garment has not been made using an actual U.S. Flag as the textile. It is The American Legion's opinion that, with few exceptions, the U.S. Flag Code pertains only to an actual flag.

Edit to add: I think it's stupid and tacky pandering, but at the very least it's not in any way breaking official 'flag code' or signaling distress.

'ough' is the classic example for English. "A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed."

When displayed vertically against a wall, the union should be to the observer’s left.

Explaining to native English speakers how WEIRD the language is phonemically is always an uphill battle. We've got /ð/ /θ/ /ɻ/ or /ɹ/ and /ŋ/ and that's before we even get to the completely insane vowel space.

This post is some weird fanfic/RP shit, just the way it's written with all the sexual details is a dead fucking giveaway.

Depends on who they blame and who fills in the Trump-sized gap and whether or not they're allowed to regain their sanity. Tucker here's calling for violence, you think the nuts whose every belief is predicated on a conspiracy theory will believe their god-king "just died"? He was obviously poisoned, or it was a deep state Jewish space laser assassination, or the stress of fighting against the transes and illegals finally did him in, let's fight them!

Idiots generally used to know they were idiots and stay in their own lane while leaving opinions to smarter people, but now we have people with agendas telling the idiots that they aren't actually idiots because they can be useful to them, and all the idiots have lost their goddamn minds.

I'm hopeful that a Trumper would be too stupid to lie their way in.

They don't believe that, though. I mentioned FDR in the context of the New Deal to my Pro-Trump (And thus obviously conspiracy nut) father and his reaction was "I've seen some things lately saying his policies weren't actually all that good"

Which as we all know is code for "I read some shit on the internet that I now implicitly believe"

So it's just, like, stuff that was pretty widely accepted as a good thing for decades has now been thrust again into the realm of controversy because the people running the GOP have begun to realize they have a cult that will just abandon all common sense and make shit up to help them believe whatever the fuck they're told.

Thank you for at least acknowledging that it's not for everyone. A number of the people I've talked to about the movie seem aghast when I say it's one of the few movies I couldn't even force myself to finish.

Yeah I'm surprised it isn't more known how much of a creep Luc Besson is.

He doesn't have anyone on his side. As soon as the courts say he's guilty, he's gone.

Both sides are the same except that when a Democrat is caught doing crimes they're held accountable and kicked to the curb.

Meanwhile Trump has been found liable for sexual abuse and has many other open-and-shut cases pending and they're still huffing his taint-sweat.


I don't think you were wrong to believe her. I don't even think she was lying. I think she was a terminally-online kid being thrust into a fast-paced growing startup full of ambitious people as her very first job, and she was overwhelmed not only by the pace of the work but also by the difference in cultures between a real-world workplace and the online spaces she had been used to existing in at the time.

When stress levels are through the roof, a compliment, or even something as innocent as someone trying to help can look like sexual misconduct. A boss being dismissive of a 'kid-level' complaint can look like an abuse of power, etc.

When I read her initial tweets it reminded me of a specific type of person that I'd encounter at a high-turnover factory job I worked a number of years ago. They would always be fresh out of high school, never worked a job in their lives, and they would complain to the supervisors about any and every aspect of the job only to be brushed off and either get frustrated and quit or finally settle in to the physical demands of the job, the workplace culture, and the pace of the work. In this case, rather than resolving issues like a more seasoned worker, I feel like the only way she knew to deal with them was to escalate them and when the people she escalated them to told her "These complaints aren't really worth spending HR's time on." she took it in the most negative way possible because she already was under a ton of stress.

But that's just me reading way too much into a situation I know way too little about.

Not even just extreme. Long-term alcoholism causes appetite suppression. My mother's been a "functional" alcoholic her entire adult life, goes through a 1.75 of cheap whiskey very consistently in about 5 days... but only drinks between about 4pm and 7pm, at which point she passes out until 9pm, then has one more drink and goes to bed. Every day for 50+ years now.

I'd be surprised if she eats 500 calories worth of food per day.

Well that's the thing about the mean being fixed at the center of a normal distribution. It moves with the population. So someone with an IQ of 100 70 years ago may only have an IQ of 90 today.

Theoretically, at least. Testing and metrics based on outdated samples does happen, and I wish I had the time and energy to look into how far we are away from the 'theoretical' bell curve right now or not because it is an interesting question, but I don't.

Also: because of the nature of a normal distribution, we know that about 16% of people are above 115 IQ, which I would say is 'somewhat common'

The IQ scale is a normal distribution with x̄ = 100, σ = 15.

Cars have a transmission. There's a popular nickname for them, at least in America, that is also a slur.