Fucker opened his own door and wasn't wearing a seat belt. Played a stupid game and won a stupid prize.

I'll leave my house unlocked sometimes when I visit the neighbor, but I set the alarm. That way I know there's nobody hiding in the shadows to watch me poop when I come home.

Take out the old piece and put in a new one?

Is it a trailer? Vinyl, because is has no value and nobody cares.

Anything else? Hardie.

2018 2SS 'vert

Zl1 will win in every category.

It's all modern tech. Keep in mind that even a 6th gen 6 cyl camaro will dust a classic camaro.

Well, it's a rye blend (Canadian and American) finished with rum.

I can only assume they used blackstrap rum. Certainly has a whiskey quality, but the molasses over powers any of the rye or any other notes. It's sweet. Really sweet. Pancake syrup sweet. I'm not going to drink a lot at a time. Perhaps for a celebratory toast, or as a digestif.

Get it tested. That's the only way to tell.

It could be, but that doesn't explain the brief drop in power. Id still check it though.

I'd maybe be OK with that if it's 7:00-3:00.

I just want to get home, I don't need to sit for a half hour to eat.

That said, I often drive places during the day, so eating while working is an option.

OK you win, I'm wrong. I've deleted all of my comments. You've accused me of living in a social media bubble yet somehow I've frustrated you via social media.

I should have known better than tyring to make conversation in this /r/politics echo chamber.

Have a nice day.

It doesn't work like that anymore. If a cop is slated for vacation, those court dates are not available. They may, however choose not to show up, but that's not the norm.

So lie?

I mean, I guess, but Op specifically stated they didn't stop. Unfortunately the laws in California state a stopsign in not a yield for cyclists.

Would be pretty uncomfortable if the cop showed up with dashcam footage of op not stopping after they claimed they did.

Would make more sense to bring video footage from ops perspective to show a T intersection and that there was no hazard and hope it gets reduced or thrown out.

People in their late 70's/early 80's should have to retake their drivers test to be sure they have the cognitive ability to drive.

Think about that for a sec.

E.T The Extra Terrestrial on Atari 2600

And trolling reddit.

2018 2SS 'vert

Stop living in the past. 6th gen, 2ss. Wife's daily driver. Smiles per gallon = infinity. https://imgur.com/a/hYD5QE6 

"where did that card come from?"

2018 2SS 'vert

Not wrong, but there's a bit more to it though. California is the most populated state, and I would assume they are close to the top of camaro owners by state.

Car theft is rampant in CA, it's no lie, but they are 8th per capita with Colorado being the worst, but I doubt Camaros are as common there.

Drones are boys, workers got the 'gina, but the' gina's don't work.

Moving it to put a pan underneath would probably be it's demise.