AI might solve that problem, with dedicated NPU's, a user might be able to instantly understand how to resolve problems. I don't know if mainstream distros will adopt Desktop AI assistants though

I want to go to Syria but I also want to go to the States within the 2 years and don't want complications lol

Why do you feel like you need to do what others do? Have you considered that maybe those activties are for them and not for you? What do you actually enjoy doing?

Any girl that compliments my Liquid Swords tee is getting a proposal on site

middle eastern slang

Growing up, it wasn't popular to be Muslim so this is a relatively new thing

as soon as i tried to switch desktop resolution on a program, the thing locked up and went into a crashing loop

Yeah depends and from my POV it's a developer issue; not the OS issue ie it's really a compatibility issue on the developers side. If you know how to launch applications with environment variables then easily resolved but I wouldn't expect most indie applications to launch properly...

Nice man! What are you getting?

For me, I will get judged more and I already get judged enough (dark skin, young and muscular means I get followed around most shops I go to)

I set my 83 year old dad on Mint.

He did have a really good go at it, and used it for almost a year before he called it in. He would have been fine but Libre is a pile of shit and he can't use Office Online all the time because of his internet. Ah well.

If that happens watch when Lokonga does a Gnabry. Never forget Pulis benched him

mostly sour dough but i've been baking more higher hydration bread which is just perfect imo

You can freeze it no problems

Friends are over rated. Good family is everything

Are you American? Seems to be an American thing

Cant gave nice things. I bake bread, mostly for others hut never for my self

people will think I'm just hanging out on the machines when I rest in between sets.

Nah, get your work out in seriously if anyone is getting annoyed with that then they have bigger issues as most gyms have alternatives

I think it's most useful on the neuromuscular side of training

You are really asking me this question?

Yes, because you're making a lot of inferences based on very little information.

Listen, I’m not here to criticize but why are you so exhausted after a normal work day?

Lol. Being a teacher is hard... Just because your siblings can do it doesn't mean others should be able to balance both