I just put James by Percival Everett on my TBR. Have you read it?

This is good to know. I’ve had Betty on my TBR for a couple years now.

She is also in a short story in If It Bleeds.
I’ve read the MM trilogy and The Outsider…but I’d be hard pressed to remember a ton about her, tbh. It’s been a good while. I’m hoping the short story in Bleeds might bring me slightly more up to date because I’d really like to read Holly!!

Ooooooh! I am so looking forward to reading Puppets!!

Haha, 16 thread linen. All of ☝🏻was funny but the linen got a lol.


Baggage Claim worker

This probably isn’t super helpful but my supervisor told me yesterday that he and his father and his son are going on their once every two year fishing trip to Northern Ontario in a couple weeks. They travel to the Municipality of Red Lake -which he described as the end of the road!-and from there take a puddle jumper elsewhere. I saw the pics of pike and walleye that they caught two years ago. Holy smokes! Super remote, obviously. Freaking beautiful. If you’d like more info, I am happy to ask.

Not sure about NAS IMAX, but the weekend before last, the morning news stated that the movie was available on IMAX for one week only. Not sure why…perhaps because it was going to Prime? IDK.

Loved the video, so neat!! Glad your bats are back! Thanks for posting!!

Our book club read Lady Tan recently and I read it every day, every chance I got. I was def up until 1am finishing it and then back up at 5 for work. Rough!

I went to the beach at 8am and had no problem finding parking. Casino was pretty wide open. I always go past Portofino anyways, and all lots/Ariola had plenty of parking. I left at noon and there was zero parking ANYWHERE and traffic was bumper to bumper thru GB…don’t know how far it was backed up onto the bridge or PCola. I think if you can find parking in 30min tomorrow at noon, you should consider yourself lucky.

I love that carry case! Where did you get it?

My supervisor told me to say, “we look at the sticks and the bricks” when people start to fret over dirty dishes and laundry, etc.

OMG! The poor fella! That musta hurt like hell!!

Brothers BBQ on Gulf Beach Hwy.

I’ve had a large OXO since 2003. I use it three times a week (or more). It has never failed me and I love it!! If it broke, I would 100% buy another OXO. I wouldn’t even consider another brand.