As others have said: if you have to ask how to do this, you are not ready yet.

But the Israel-Gaza conflict has emerged as a key issue for the TikTok generation – many of whom are first-time voters this election, and don’t agree with the Biden administration’s handling of the war in the Middle East.

Wooo boy, if they dislike Biden's handling of the war just wait till they see what the other guy wants to do.

It's a Google Images search for "easter eggs for hitler"

This is what they are referencing.

I use a sous vide machine to make a garlic-butter-cannabis infusion, it works so much better going with a savory approach over sweet.

Just use it ... anywhere else you'd use garlic butter.

Busuu goes to B2 level, so you could definitely use it to reach A2.

I was going to say wasm with GL output, but the EME protection would be better.

For such an insane request I think your solution is the best.

Almost all airports have little hand carts that you can grab and pile your luggage onto; we just used two of those. Both at Portland and at Schiphol. So our process was basically:

  • Drive into the rental car return line at PDX. Wife went and grabbed two carts while I pulled everything out and dealt with the car rental guy.
  • Push the carts to the airline checkin.
  • Hand over everything but our backpacks, paid the extra 450$ or so at the counter.
  • Do the rest of the flight as normal. Land at Schiphol, go through the immigration line, go to the baggage return.
  • Grab two more carts, loaded our bags onto them, and pushed them to the taxi we had arranged to drive us to Nijmegen (because there was no way we're bringing THAT much luggage on a train).
  • Arrived at our new home, and carried everything up three flights of steps. Our new landlord was cool and actually helped carry a couple of our bags for us.

That's exactly what I was expecting (accidental zombie flood) but instead they ended up with what amounted to an annoyingly large bag of tricks used to trigger traps in hallways.

I once DM'ed a game and while exploring a necromancer's abandoned laboratory they found a door that opened into a small-ish room of zombies; every time one left the room or died another zombie was summoned.

After fighting a couple of zombies that escaped when the door was first opened the whole party started to panic, until the warforged Crusader realized that he could stand in the doorway 24/7 forever and keep the zombies inside the room.

Then they realized the closet wasn't part of the building, the door was more akin to a portable hole or bag of holding, leading to it being ripped off the wall and carried around... you know, in case they needed an infinite supply of zombies.

I got slightly bored the other day and reconnected to Freenode and joined a channel I used to hang in all the time before people grew up and apart.

It was completely empty, and the topic was last set in 2014 or so.

All we are is dust in the wind..

WordPress is just a platform and CMS bolted together. You can do whatever you want with your theme, including loading a React or Vue SPA using WordPress' REST API for a backend.


  • 1: Yes.
  • 2: Yes, because you can build the form and its submission into your site theme.
  • 3: Advanced Custom Fields is practically a standard tool for almost all WordPress developers. IMO Automattic should buy them and included it in WordPress itself.

It seems like you're thinking they want their entire backend to be written in Scala, but I think they just want the code of their site to be in Scala - not the entire ecosystem. There's plenty of Scala frameworks: Spark, Akka, Lift, Lagom..

Hey /u/KATCHAW9 : you should check out Monix which (as I understand it) is a framework that combines Scala and Scala.js into one package.

The child is legally the easiest to move, followed by the cat and dog. Rabbits... Well, my wife and I slowly stopped adopting new rats before we moved, and rehomed our last batch before moving (VERY thankfully with the very same vet that had been treating them).

  1. Decide to begin new app, which I haven't done in a while.
  2. Lookup React documentation and begin.
  3. Immediately run into a gigantic mess of broken dependencies.
  4. ???
  5. Sob and start looking into the Vue documentation

In my most recent particular case.. everything was going fine up until the moment I installed Cypress, because just having Cypress installed will fuck up Jests' React types registration until you configure Jest to ignore all of your Cypress tests.

I swear the days of server side HTML templates paired with limited extra JS for effects and presentation was simpler, easier to understand, faster, and far less headache inducing than the modern JS dependency hell.

My spouse and I moved from the US to the Netherlands and had never been here before. We had traveled to France once, about ten years ago.

We may be insane, but it's worked well for us and we love it here.

You have three options:
1. You put your stuff on a cargo ship. It will take 4-8 months to arrive, costs start around $5k USD, and you get up to 200 cubic feet for that price. Prices and space will vary based on which shipping company you use. I used Transparent International to move from Oregon -> Netherlands and they were great.
2. Ship your stuff by UPS or FedEx. This can quickly become surprisingly expensive though.
3. Bring it with you on the plane. Depending on your airline you can expect to pay an extra $100 for every plus sized bag you check into the plane. My wife and I brought 7 extra large rolling cases when we moved which cost us an extra $450 or so. Shipping that stuff by FedEx would have cost 3-4K USD.

I recommend selling and replacing your existing appliances; the hassle of shipping them just isn't worth it.

I hired Adam & Wolf for the immigration work, it cost 1,150Euro (they have prices on their site).

For BV accounting & setup I used Orange Tax, they also handled the 30% ruling application and my BV's payroll accounting.

They've both been fantastic.

It went great. I hired an immigration attorney to handle my spouse and I's immigration, and paid an accounting firm to create the BV; though that part was done by referral through a notary. Everything was approved pretty quickly and I've been living in the Netherlands since August!

I didn't expect Sid to have it right away by any means, but I thought it wouldn't take three months or more.

I have a spare drive I'm tempted to try another distro on, but I've used Debian for so long it feels weird to even consider now.

It's not the same, but I'm in a similar situation: American, 20 years of professional dev experience, started doing it as a hobby back in 1997-ish. Came to the Netherlands using the DAFT only for my former employer turned client to sell their business a couple months later and the new owners killed the contract. I can speak Dutch around a B1 to B2 level, though I sometimes have a hard time understanding spoken Dutch (but that is partially just because I live in Nijmegen). I've been applying to Dutch companies only if they're registered with the IND to sponsor a HSM visa, and have been trying American companies as well to contract to my BV.

I'm at 374 applications, 42 rejections, have had 14 first-round recruiter screening interviews that went nowhere, and two that got to a second round... and am desperately hoping one of those will reply back soon this week to schedule a third interview. I'd take a job washing dishes if it came with a work visa at this point.

I've gotten autoresponders that said they stopped considering applications after 200 (why not take down the fucking ad then!?), have had one recruiter say that the extent of my experience was unbelievable and they thought I must be lying, one rejection was because I worked with my last employer for 12 years and that means I "cannot be as innovative" as others with less time in one place (wtf?!), and have had so many recruiters ask if I have any experience at all with PHP even though the top part of my resume says I have 20+ years of professional experience with PHP development.

I don't have any advice, but I can say good luck; you're going to need it.

Albert Heijn op het treinstation is volgens Google open, Action op de Graafseweg is ook na twaalf uur open... volgens Google. Misschien wilt u eerst bellen.

Why were the TRUBUCHET outside of the walls? Even worse, why were the trubuchet ON THE FRONT LINE, requiring the cavalry to charge through and past them?

The whole battle plan was so goddamn stupid.

She's a bastard, but is she interesting?

They definitely collapsed that Schrödinger field, can't deny that.

On the upside it's great for people actually trying to learn the language, most people here (Nijmegen) don't automatically switch to English when they hear my horrible accent. Praat nederlands met mij!