I have a firm no religion related stuff policy for my kid. No one will be taking her to any church or Sunday school or vbs etc. I am against organized religion and the way they indoctrinate impressionable children. You gotta get ahead of it now or they’re just gonna be indoctrinated further

We have ot & pt and they are separate. It was never even discussed pairing them up, they each get an hour. I wouldn’t want to join unless it was like ot from 10-11 then pt 11-12 but tbh that’s a bit much for a toddler and mine would probably be over it by then

And whatever’s going on with that lipstick..

I’m sure it’s fine. They sit in hot warehouses and semis for longer. If it was plastic, maybe not. But I’d be ok with glass

Yes! Now it makes me turn red! Which is apparently an allergy… so I don’t drink much but legit one glass of wine has my face/chest red and I feel tipsy

No I’m curious! I imagine she’ll explain in a video , she’ll probably do a birth vlog

Exactly lol do people not understand that they can go to a channel page and search to find exactly what they want? Are people just hoping YouTubes algo feeds them the video they want on their home page or? Because I’ve had watch history turned off for years and exclusively use the subscription page or just go right to a channel.

I feel like Michaela, Erin, and Tori are the only ones who still do the skirt thing , all the other married girls wear jeans & shorts

Some baby registries sell your info to random companies etc

I would absolutely still use it, I forgot the lid a few times for hours and still used it. I mean really what’s gonna happen, it’s too expensive to throw out just because the lid was left off for a few hours. But if you’re very concerned just throw it out and deal with him being upset about it, not a hill I’d personally die on but if it’s important to you just toss it.

I’m not surprised, they did videos together after breaking up and even kissed in one of them, sometimes that first love is reaaall hard to break away from lol

If the NG kids article has their sources listed, use those instead if they list some academic sources

She’s gonna have “””mastitis””” at least 3 times within the first 6 months and will use it as an opportunity to shill her “natural” remedies and make commission off those links 🙃

A few times a week. We both work FT and are tired. I feel like I spend the same amount on groceries as I would take out anyway, plus I can get 2 meals out of an entree or share with the kid. I’m just not someone who can cook everyday.. plus the mental load of shopping, cooking, cleaning is a lot (even though we split duties).

You will have to take the carrier off. I tried to walk thru with my baby carrier and they said no, I had to run it thru the scanner then walk thru carrying her

I’d be happy if my kid got gifted one they look fun and who cares about the name brand? really don’t worry about it!! She’s not gonna be asking for a lambo for her 16th birthday lol!

Yup! Which is odd considering all the dairy farms here.. Luckily (?) my kid just won’t drink milk lol

Pediatricians can have their sleep recommendations, but you don’t have to listen to them. Do what works for you. Ours gave us a handout that was essentially ‘cry it out’ from 6 months on and I was like hell no lol. We contact napped til 1 and never let her cry, she’s 2 now and sleeps fine alone. 4 months is so young!! For breastfeeding babies, it’s so normal for them to wake for multiple feeds a night.

Dang our Giant has a gallon for $4.68 and BJs is $4.29 ! 6-8 for half is wild I’m sorry 😭

I put mine in the playpen with Sesame Street on the tv. Do you have room for maybe a small playpen? I have one from Amazon, like 50 bucks. I put mine in the corner of the living room and yeah it’s not cute lol but we’ll get rid of it once she’s a little older. But for now ‘baby jail’ is my best solution

I don’t let my toddler into the bathroom with me and have no interest in doing so. She will be educated on puberty and periods of course, but my bathroom time is my private time. At this age I’m not sure how to explain periods other than a natural body function some people with vaginas have, and that it’s not an injury, just something that happens every month.

Right now it’s those freeze dried yogurt bites. She’d eat an entire bag in one sitting if I let her lol. They’re expensive too 😅

They can’t play an actual podcast or whatever for copyright reasons, so it’s probably just recorded then added in post