Has she considered inviting fewer people so it's more affordable? Honestly I've been married for 25 years and $45 a plate was about the cheapest we could get at the time...for a lunch reception, set up buffet/cafeteria style. Or maybe see what the cost would be for a food truck or two?

Yes, they did my neighbours driveway last year. Ripped out the old one day and repaved the next. It's already sinking and cracking. Not sure if they're the ones that got my brother in law too, only one year and he had weeds coming through his driveway. They knocked on my door this year and tried to get me to do the driveway. No Thanks!

Honestly it was my first stone. After waking up with pain we went to emerg and spent quite a bit of time trying to convince the Dr. that my flank and back pain was NOT a stretched abdominal muscle from my pregnancy (and that I shouldn't have to "suck it up"). They gave me what they could for pain relief since I was pregnant and vomiting from the pain. The nurse finally convinced the Dr to send me for an ultrasound. After it was determined I had a stone they sent me home with a prescription for three Tylenol 3. I curled up on the couch and just waited for it to pass. I got up for a shower at one point and had an overwhelming urge to pee and didn't make it out of the shower (sorry if that's TMI)......that was the end of it, didn't catch the stone. I think it's pretty unusual for a stone that size to pass so quick. I"ve had other stones since hang out in my kidney for years causing pain and bleeding.

Or that PP happened to run into her here, in Canada, when she moved to Nicaragua in 2022.

It went ok. I had pretty good spasms by the time I got home, especially after going pee. The stent was uncomfortable if I was in certain positions or up and moving around. Hard to sleep for the first couple of days. Make sure to keep drinking lots of fluids even after they say you can slow down, by day 3 I was in the worst pain I had ever felt from what I think was a blood clot blocking my stent, increased water intake could have helped prevent that. I only had my stent for 5 days and went back to hospital to have it removed. My understanding is that it's usually uneventful. My bladder had "collapsed" so there was a bit of a struggle finding the end to remove it. When you pee after having the stent removed there will be lots of air bubbles! No one warned me and I thought they had done something when they were pinching my bladder trying to find the stent. Lol

Good Luck!

It's my understanding that the Muslim Welfare Home in Whitby helps women and children of any denomination and background. I'm not sure of the criteria to qualify for assistance though. (Fleeing abuse, homelessness... etc)

It's crazy that my mom grew up in Campbellford and both of my grandmother's lived there when I was growing up, but I had never been to Doohers or had anything from there. I feel ripped off!

I said that to my husband. It was far more likely that he had his phone out while driving and the cop followed him into the parking lot to ticket him.

I'm of no help but I've been surprised to hear how many people can't tolerate it. I have had sensitive skin all my life. Most moisturizers and sunscreens break me out or give me a rash. I've had no irritation or break outs from the Niacinamide, but the barrier support serum destroyed my barrier.

I had the same. They went in to remove 2 stones, a 1 cm in the lower pole and another in the "upper pole". The urologist could not get at the "upper pole" stone because it was embedded in the meat of my kidney. He monitored it for a few years and that was it. I've either unknowingly passed it or it's still hanging out about 10 years later.

I've had an estimated 5x7 stone sit in my kidney for years (monitored for 3 years then my urologist cut me loose. Lol) It's either still in my kidney another 5 years later, or I ended up passing it without noticing.

No, all they did was give me a prescription for THREE Tylenol-3 and sent me home to pass it. It was my first stone.

I passed a 7mm when I was in my last trimester. It wasn't fun , but it was quick. Just over 12 hours from the onset of pain. Hopefully yours stays put until after, or passes quickly!

I placed something out once. Someone took it and left an old toy kitchen in its place. I guess they didn't have room in their vehicle for both and ditched what they had already picked up.

I sent a product/routine inquiry at the end of December, they replied at the end of March (may have been early April). They are REALLY behind in responding to emails.

See if there are good co-op/internship possibilities near the Universities. My son didn't take co-op but still applied to, and received, 2 internships, and has continued working for one while he finishes University. He'll have 3 years of solid experience, and very likely a full time contract offer, when he graduates because the opportunities were local. He also chose the best scholarship offer and campus atmosphere.

The ureteroscopy was probably the best choice if the pain was that bad. If the Dr's moved that quickly they were probably concerned about potential complications. Sometimes you can wait it out and sometimes there is too much risk.

I was very pregnant at the time so I'm not sure if that made a difference? I was also originally told the pain was pregnancy related (stretched/strained abdominal muscles) and to suck it up. Thankfully the nurse advocated for me and got me an ultrasound, then they sent home to pass it with three Tylenol 3.

It all depends. I can pass up to 7mm without too much trouble, but had a ureteroscopy for a 1 cm because it couldn't even get out of my kidney. My very first was about 7mm and I passed in in just over 12 hours from onset of pain. The 1cm in my kidney had me in pain for years before they removed it. (Stones in the kidney don't cause pain nonsense) My neighbour suffered with a 5mm for a few months before having a ureteroscopy.

I didn't really notice clots. It wasn't all the time but at least once a day depending on how active I was. Long walk/hike, cleaning the house etc. If I was a couch potato all day the blood would be minimal. If I went on a hike with my family (doubled over from pain), there would be lots of blood for a while.

I had lots of blood in my urine (red urine, not just a tinge) for years with the only stones being in my kidney. Doesn't hurt to have it checked out, but don't panic.

I was in pain...for years, before they finally agreed there was a very small possibility that my pain was from the stone in my kidney, and it was now so big that it would not get out from the lower pole on its own. It was successful but it did take a few months before all the pain was gone as there was some hydronephrosis present for a while.

I'm assuming you're referring to the extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy? I had a 1cm in the lower pole. My urologist performed a ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy and basket removal.

My husband used to work continental shifts. I used to do most of the major housework while he was at work on the weekends. He also hated when I vacuumed when he was home...."I listen to machines all day!". Now he's on a M-F day shift. If I clean he asks if we're expecting company. Nothing major gets done because he doesn't want to be "stuck at home" on weekends. I've decided to break the house into zones and every weekend one zone gets a big deep clean/purge, and he has to help. He acts like 30 minutes is long enough.

My mom handed me a box of tampons with cardboard applicators, a tube of ky, and a mirror. Sent me to my room and told me I couldn't come out until I figured it out. She would not let me use pads because SHE didn't like them. My dad gave me $2 to buy fries in the school cafeteria.