I think a better example would be Bruce Willis in the last few years (before his memory Dx was disclosed). He would be thrown into a cheap action movie to get it to sell. He’s say a few lines fed to him through an earpiece and they’d put his name on the cover. RLM did a whole study on it (again, before anyone knew about the memory illness).

Last Tango in Paris. Bowling for Columbine.

I concur with the others, it has a pretty faint glow. I find that they glow better if you put a light inside of the container.

Boomer mentality for sure! They were gen x, but definitely your classic petite bourgeoisie that imagined themselves enterprising businesspeople.

I am generally ok with use of force against the attacking dog, I would defend my dog too, but she was shooting way too close to a human being. That’s what’s unacceptable to me.

I think there is some wiggle room between tiny small business and giant megacorp.

Basic oversight and worker protections such as providing healthcare tend to start when a business is at 50 employees.

The absolute worst, egregious, unconscionable employer behavior I have had happen to me (like the story above) or to other friends were at small family-owned businesses.

Working for medium sized companies I have at least felt some protection, there is usually an HR department, and companies have a reasonable fear of things like wrongful termination/discrimination lawsuits, unionization efforts, bad publicity, etc.

Yes, but they were very cold to me and basically treated me as unreliable from that point forward despite hardly ever having asked for time off before then. I was always on time too.

They had a bunch of marital problems and the wife ended up going back to her home country.

This sounds like small business behavior. My friend’s son, whom I babysat, was murdered by his father. He had weekends and she had no choice but to give him over.

It was a huge news story in my city. I asked to go to both the funeral and the wake. My boss’s wife told me “[boss] doesn’t like what you’re doing to the schedule.” And then when I wasn’t smiling at work he told me I needed to “leave my personal issues at home.”

Small businesses have basically zero oversight and they pull this stuff all the time.

I have a beautiful antique wedding band that is at or around 100 years old according to scans of old jewelry catalogues. My husband and I are both trekkies so I had our wedding date inscribed as the Star Date with our initials.

He has a silicone ring from Enso and we desperately need them to make a Star Trek line so his can actually match mine.

My husband will get a little bump or a bug bite and all I want to do is comfort him and get him to get it checked out, I could never imagine yelling “what did you do??” And “you dented your truck!” at him.

Not saying I wouldn’t panic, but it would be more like “Are you ok?? Oh my god are you ok?? Do you need me to call 911??”

It definitely looks like it, I didn’t know those could make relatively pertinent comments on regular posts, but nothing would surprise me now!

This isn’t uncommon for children who are parentified at young ages/at critical stages of development.

If this is real her parents are the ones at fault. Especially if they were noticing building resentment between their children and did nothing.

Their account is full of weird porn links and posts posing as several different women. I think this is a man’s porn throwaway.

The majority. History of having been abused may have a much higher prevalence in offenders, in particularly male offenders, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that most people who were victims will themselves offend.

It can be a factor in someone’s likelihood that they will offend later, but there are also other conditions or learned behaviors that contribute to someone offending.

There is also a possibility that some offenders who were abused as children either don’t remember or chose not to disclose it happened to them. Most child sexual offenders are male, and sexual abuse against men and boys has an additional layer of social stigma.

Just all the more reason to study this better and have better prevention in place. If you look at trauma in general, the closer to the trauma someone receives mental health care to help them process it, the better the outcomes.

I wonder sometimes if that’s one of the factors that makes the difference between a pedophile and a child molester. Maybe like the 60 minutes report says, pedophiles are born (which is actually really sad and unfortunate), but it’s other factors that cause someone to actually offend.

Most people who are abused as children and would not hurt a child. But those who are born pedophiles and are also molested themselves may have an extra risk factor for offending later in life. Probably in combination with other things like selfishness, poor impulse control, violent thoughts, antisocial features, etc.

Big asking for “mutual aid” culture here. I donate money to individuals sometimes but usually to actual acquaintances whose story I can verify. Otherwise any donations I make are going to a vetted social services organization.

I would say we can’t be sure, someone said the mom says “give it back” in Hindi. Sometimes kittens wander off when the mother is loooking for food and they may have seen it alone and taken it inside.

Doorman let the cat in when she came looking for it, so giving kitten back if mom cat shows up might have been something discussed by the adults. Mom tells the daughter to give it back and intervenes when the little girl won’t. If they deliberately stole a kitten from the litter they probably wouldn’t have done that.

Also seems like the mom and camera person were closely watching the little girl holding the cat. I don’t think any of the adults here are necessarily assholes. Maybe they are but we can’t really tell with no other context.

Can I be your AC friend too? My dream code is DA-0421-7754-3333, lemme see yours!

They’re rare so it’s actually not too outrageous, plus they are gorgeous. I bet you could find a really fun way to display them if you are able to go back and grab them!

She is going on dates with men though? Those men are also getting dates.

I think so too, I absolutely love these cusp pieces that straddle two design eras.

Oh this is great, I was disappointed to see it’s all they have up on iTunes but I’m looking forward to more

Here’s a better picture  from this article. It’s clearly mixed with pitbull (or what is commonly referred to as a bully breed before the pit activists try to get pedantic). The other dog  is obviously pure or nearly purely pitbull/bully breed, but they decided to call it a boxer mix. Whether that was the shelter website, the owners’ lawyer or the author’s choice, I’m not sure. But shelters very frequently call pitbulls lab mixes to get them adopted, renters or homeowners will say that to lower their insurance, lawyers will say that to make a case their client didn’t know it was an obviously dangerous breed. GSD also bite with some frequency, but not at the rates and with the destructive force that pitbulls do.

I have known and loved pitbulls before, but we need to be open and honest about how dangerous they are and start regulating the breed accordingly.