When I’m high I get REALLY sensitive to cold — my wife can tell when I get a little too high because it’ll be 85°f and I’ll be wearing a hoodie, sweats and snowboarding socks

Backstage right before your band goes on

I added my source to my original comment.

Many of those stories have been reported before, but one of my favorites is the genesis of the song “Egg Man”. Before they rented a house in LA, they had all been staying at the Mondrian hotel while we were recording. And the Comedy Store was right across the street from that hotel. One afternoon, there was a line of tourists standing outside the Comedy Store, so the guys decided to get several dozen eggs and start pelting from the eight-story hotel. One family pulled up in front of the Comedy Store, and the dad got out to open the door for his kids when Yauch just threw an egg and hit the guy right in the head. The egg exploded all over him and his kids, so they just got back in the car and drove away.

Hank III - Thrown Out Of The Bar

I been beat up bad, I been kicked around, I been thrown out of every damn bar in this old town

lol, 5 years old is still “modern.” The bike industry has really fucked with people’s heads

In my 40’s. I’m almost a daily smoker and a very social smoker, but it only recently occurred to me that I’m a “stoner.”

I don’t believe in buying pedals just to buy them, but a carbon copy would go well with this board

I love instrumental metal and instrumental doom!

Russian Circles, Pelican, Bongripper, and Monolord (they release instrumental versions of all their albums) are all great

He was absolutely fantastic in Civil War

Me too! I live in a standalone house now, and when I first moved in I looped a riff at pretty much the loudest volume I ever play at home and went outside to see how loud it was. The last thing I wanna do is shit where I live.

That book was absolutely amazing but I couldn’t make it all the way through the film

Matt Pike is a great example of this!

I’ve only lived in Portland for 7 years, but I haven’t had that experience at all — all of my friends are people I’ve met while riding my bike or playing music, and I very quickly built up a friend group.

Coming from Atlanta, people were so nice in Portland that there were times I thought they were messing with me.

Doom metal has a lot of long (sometimes 1 hour+) songs: Dopesmoker, The Great Barrier Reefer, ….

I’m traveling with my 7yo and he keeps asking why people here don’t know that smoking is bad for them