
For starters, why a 12-year-old?

Secondly, what's the emphasis on girl? You could've left this statement without gender, but you specifically targeted the idea a girl is 'dumb'.

And thirdly, do you hold this belief for *all* vaping or just those based around cigarettes?

4w3 sx/so (468) ENFP

Yup, especially when all typology is likely due to nurture rather than nature. Aka our 'traits' are formulated during developmental years based on positives, negatives, and traumas we've experienced. With Enneagram specifically focusing on weaknesses vs strengths, it can meld into all 16 types which is simply about cognitive functions.

Even as a 4w3 ENFP, I don't agree 4 is exclusively to Fi. I just think it's more common in Fi-ego because it's strongly adopted by that function. There's ISTP 4s out there, all Ti and still a 4.

I definitely don't see boys as a non-gendered term. So it's wonderful when women gamers shout out other women, or when streamers simply say something like "chat" to include viewership AND their team at the same time (aka be as inclusive as possible.)

And yes, man who took issue with the comment... That's what it feels like when you're left out by the attitude the only people in the room are the dominant gender :P

No. As a bisexual woman, even when I was single and I'm not anymore, I'm not going to flirt with anyone unless it's clear there is intent on both ends. I want to actually make gamer friends, not become the stereotype of the extremely horny bisexual who can't keep it in her pants. (Because I can.)

Gaming is gaming. It's a hobby.

"Never" since 8 years old. // Seeking Sterilisation

I have PCOS and endometriosis. I'm still seeking to be sterilised.

Perspective on why:

My mother had severe endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS, and trialled many horrific 80s-90s forms of birth control that have severe fertility related side effects. She had severe ovarian cysts in her right ovary, resulting in a unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. The doctors said she was clinically infertile, and if she did get pregnant, she wouldn't carry to term.

Here I am. One night, one try, one guy, no fertility hormone treatments and no IVF. Just natural unprotected sex during a planets align moment of a perfect 28 day cycle occurring at the exact same time my father was back in town after years of living abroad.

If you think you have a 0.0001% chance of becoming pregnant, the above is proof positive that the 0.0001% people can get pregnant :P


Not everyone who has a vape is using it as a cigarette, with nicotine and additives. Mine is a CBD vape, specifically to help produce body relief alongside my sublingual THC which has given me varied results for pain.

You can't get addicted from CBD as there's no psychoactive properties, and a good medicinal cannabis pharmacist will take out the harmful additives often used as flavouring and preservative in the product.

CBD / THC vapes are 510 cartridges and not the standard e-cigarette pens, so they exist in an entirely separate category.


I'd never let people vape cigarette chemicals around me or in my vicinity, I'm avoiding them the way I avoid cigarette smokers as it is.

I'm very fine with THC / CBD, and own a 510 thread vape myself for herb. It's medicinal and so long as you're using the appropriate forms (aka don't put your sublingual oil into a vape, use formulated CBD vape oil only), extremely safe.

^ especially if your pharmacist has done research like mine and taken out all the e-cigarette additives linked to lung damage like preservatives and flavourings.

Stay mad that I do things that I personally enjoy and only did because I enjoy them.

I'm a Hedonist by philosophy, a hippie by nature, and I make no apologies for seeking personal pleasures in life.

And I am that kind of feminist, the ones who in the 60s and 70s embraced everything they were told was sin and filth because it wasn't proper.

Especially because I was grown up in Purity Culture so I end up seeing the exact BS from the evangelicals now in feminism. It's just not centered on a God and obedience to a God. Still the same mentality that we are responsible to reject sexuality/certain clothing because "men are visual creatures full of testosterone."

Feminists sounding like Hayley DiMarco gives me a major side eye moment.

porn is made for men

Well shit. There goes me watching queer sapphic porn made by sapphics, for sapphics, by sapphic companies.

I'm not a clown who wears pink and partakes in high femininity

Well shit. I better go take out my womb and ovaries, because I'm as girlygirl as they come! I'm not a woman then! Totally would get implants if I could too, given I'm sick of these AAs being disproportionate to my figure.


No u.

Feminism is about women, for women.

Yes, exactly. And transwomen are women.

LGBT people are here. Feminism and the Pride movement were created, founded, pushed and exalted by cis and trans/NB working together.

As with every subreddit, there will always be bad apples who are hostile and phobic. But as with every feminist and LGBT space, there will be us who will welcome and support <3

Also what the 4B movement is about! Women taking their choice away from the expectations of society, of which due to what South Korea is like, has extreme importance there. So I fully support it alongside the hippie chick choice to practice freedom of love :)


I find myself AAAALLWAAYYSSSS getting downvoted in various women-centric groups for being pro decriminalisation and support of sex workers... Also being pro kink, pro sex education, pro contraception for the purpose of free love, literally anything that promotes the idea women can have sex because we enjoy it. (And maybe want to capitalise on that.)

Some other subreddits are worse, though. If you so much as breathe you have a healthy sex life and enjoy it, immediate downvote. God forbid a woman enjoys the very thing the Women's Lib movement fought for lol

Femme, bisexy, and sweet like strawberry :flag-bi:

Omg I love your outfit so much, it's adorbs πŸ₯Ί

Man, reading the comments is a total shitshow. And in case TERFs didn't realise, OP is a ciswoman... Legit tired of them forever claiming we're trans simply because we stick up for trans sisters.

It's like the Flying Dutchman. Years of forced labour, there's things out to get you, and you can never seem to find a way off.

You do what all your forefathers have done. Run around on platform surfaces, screaming as you get chased by angry feral Saber slimes and tarr at the same time. And you keep running around until you find an active portal or you helplessly jump into the Slime Sea.

(Jokes aside, there's a portal in the cave and also off of a little island that requires getting past a nasty amount of sabers)

Femme, bisexy, and sweet like strawberry :flag-bi:

Probably unlearning the belief there's something 'wrong' in feeling sexual attraction/desire towards the same genitalia will be a good first step

Just wait, apparently we're swinging back towards La Nina. Not like that gap between Nino and Nina isn't the shortest recorded in history, so short that Kim Kardashian's marriages are lasting longer...


Tfw everyone keeps clocking me as potentially autistic LOL this is absolutely not the first time someone who is autistic has brought up autism around me in a relate-content way.

But it would make a LOT of sense if I was because of my extreme weird relationship which as you say, ignoring my body, but also requiring ritual.

I was thinking the exact same as you. I see NiTe reasoning in war (and that is best reflected as passing down to Ivar more than anyone else.) At one point I considered ENTP for Ne-creativity but being innovative doesn't always equal Ne. In fact, what makes both of them Ni is that they can think outside the box BUT use a more deductive method of their intuition. This is the best path because I can see how all these abstract dots connect.

I'd give INTJ to Ragnar and ENTJ to Ivar. That NiSe / TeFi axes are at their strongest with war.


Am I the only one who doesn't get the munchies all that hard, and when I do I can just....... Ignore them? LOL I've been pretty smacked to the ground before and even *e m p t y* hungry. Still didn't eat and basically screamed at everyone I wouldn't (despite feeling terrible if I didn't)


We've all done it. And we all feel fucking terrible and like the worst people on the planet. But we've still done it.

IDC I just like looking at birds

Baby dust on their beautifully coloured heads 🐀🐀