Trump is talking about two things here. First, that babies can be killed after birth, and second that they can be aborted in the ninth month.

Biden's response is also in two parts. First, that what Trump just said is a lie, and second, that late term abortions (in the ninth month) are only carried out in emergency situations.

You need to work on your comprehension.

This is just a small snippet. It came up before this clip as well and his response to Trump was that what he said was a lie.

From the transcript -

TRUMP:  So that means he can take the life of the baby in the ninth month and even after birth, because some states, Democrat-run, take it after birth. Again, the governor – former governor of Virginia:  put the baby down, then we decide what to do with it.

So he’s in – he’s willing to, as we say, rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month and kill the baby.

Nobody wants that to happen. Democrat or Republican, nobody wants it to happen.

BIDEN:  He’s lying. That is simply not true.

The reason we didn't get single payer and had to settle for the PPACA isn't due to Democratic corruption.

The Democratic party at the time had a sizeable moderate/conservative wing that were elected to represent their constituents, who overwhelmingly did not support more sweeping legislation. They didn't even support the PPACA, which cost many of them their seats in the next election cycle.

Like it or not, America simply wasn't, and still isn't, as progressive as you might think it is. The thinner your governing margin, the more powerful moderates become, and if they don't represent their constituents, they will lose their elections and then you can no longer govern at all.

Progress is slow. It often comes in half measures. And it's primarily because not everyone agrees with you.

So you apparently have no clue how insurance works at a very basic level.

And save me with the cities being burned to the ground bullshit. I've heard it all before. I went on a nice bike ride the next day through what you people were telling me was a post apocalyptic war zone.

Cool. I'll keep that in mind next time I talk to my little brother who literally would've died without the extended coverage from the PPACA.

They should've at least used them for the piping. That, with the fleur-de-lis on one side of the chest, and arch on the hat.


The pvpers who enjoy competition left awhile ago.

Now it's small groups that gank individuals and camp extracts but will scurry away when met with equal force. That and if you're on PC, blatant hackers.

The DZ is a grief zone.

There's a big difference between incompetent good and incompetent evil.

I take it you don't listen much to the sentences Trump does manage to form?

I get it. It's been a rough 24 hours all around. So much is riding on this election.

Most of us are hoping to be able to live a free, somewhat happy life. I'd be content with just avoiding environmental collapse.

Hopelessness isn't the best feeling. But I do wish you a better day!

Not every response needs to be a detraction or fall completely in line with your point. I can expound or clarify what I think is the real source of Trump's behavior, and I did, without disagreeing with you in general. If you took anything else from it, then you're just being overly defensive.

My only real detraction is the implication that Trump behaves this way logically or with some greater intent. It's compulsive behavior, and is rooted in him serving himself. His supporters aren't completely wrong when they say they support him because he's "one of us".

I would argue that separating him from his bullshit in a way underestimates him. It gives logical people comfort that there must be some logical foundation, or some rock bottom to the degeneracy. There doesn't need to be, and there probably isn't.

But it isn't a strategy that comes from a place of self-awareness. His lies are tailored to rile up his base because he is that base. They appeal to his emotions, and by all accounts he has little logic if any. He amplifies that rhetoric because the social reaction validates him.

He 100% believes his own bullshit. If you've lived with an insane narcissist, you'd see it more clearly. The lies they tell are made first to serve their own ego. The reaction he gets from his base is a feedback loop, where his hyperbole heightens their response which drives him to self-actualization.

This is all to say that it isn't a preconceived strategy as much as it is the base functioning of a mentally unwell person.

Wait... do you think hearsay is literally just someone hearing someone else say something? Are you serious?

Hearsay is when person 1 says person 2 told them person 3 did something, but person 2 won't or can't confirm it.

We have 5 direct witnesses (person 2) confirming it.

There was. It was reported by four people. Trump denied it. Then his chief of staff went on record and confirmed it. And it wasn't just a one off comment, it happened in two conversations according to witnesses.

So now what's your dodge?

Where? Kelly (his chief of staff at the time) confirmed the quote.

Thanks for the update! I just emailed them earlier today so still waiting to hear back.

Edit: The CS rep is trying to tell me that the visible welding is part of the standard construction on AL 7's and is intended to make the construction more robust, and that they won't give out any discounts. This is after I notified them that it's advertised with pictures as having no visible welds.

I've asked them to forward me to a manager but it looks like the bike is going back.

If you think music is getting worse you just aren't listening to enough music.

It's easier to make, so there's much more to parse. Homogenization of pop music has always been an issue, but I would argue that broad access to technology leads to more innovative breakthroughs as well. Many genre defining artists are self-produced, which simply wasn't possible in the past.

There's more noise for sure, but if you actively search out new artists, music has never been better.

I've only seen one other clan member log in since seasonal characters were announced. Everyone else quit over it. I'm willing to try it out but at this point I'll likely dip too.

Not sure how that's relevant to you calling that previous commenter out like you did.