Now realize you are a gazillion of things like these and when you die you basically turn into a cesspool of dying cells all trying to hold onto life like this.

To prevent the lone attacker staying at the keeper at all times they could adjust the offside rule that it is only offside when there is obvious open space between the attacker and defender. If you need fancy tech to decide if one toe was past the defender it just doesn't do justice to why the offside rule was implemented.

While they are at it they should directly implement the stop clock to prevent stalling the game.

You play the best football in the tournament but I just cannot stand the diving at every slight touch.

Echt hè...Bert Mulder --> Mert Müldür. Wie trapt daar nou in?

Yeah, big credits to all personal security and similar jobs out there that require 100% attention throughout every shift.

I don't think I could handle another Spain-Netherlands finale. The 2010 one cost me several years of my life.

So, if you should put that in different words. What did the Russian Helicopter do?

I would love to know what would go on in your head standing on that thing, knowing you will get blasted into a massively energized crowd in a few seconds. It must be so unreal.

Te bedroevend voor woorden. Ze krijgen een riant salaris om te proberen beleid te maken dat iets doet aan de bestaande problemen, niet om alleen maar een beetje te bekvechten. Als dat de standaard wordt voor zo'n salaris dan kan ik over 4 jaar ook wel een rondje meedraaien op die stoelen.

We need a shot clock that determines when to get off of your own half and another to determine when you can get back to it.

"Een verloskundige vindt het oneerbiedig". Oneerbiedig? Die moet iemand me uitleggen...mensen begraven dat ding, eten 'm op of gooien 'm weg bij het ziekenhuisafval. Hoe zou dit anders zijn als het überhaupt al menselijke placenta's zijn?

Depends on the side of the border of the poster, right?

Zullen we z'n optreden anders eerst even afwachten? Tussen alle clowns in dit kabinet lijkt dit één van de weinige capabele figuren. Als voormalig AIVD-directeur vermoed ik dat hij, als hij dat wil, behoorlijk de teugels aan kan trekken van alle kabinetsleden.

Bij die van Rotterdam gok ik toch op Dick, maar bij een Harry Potter marathon heeft Frans zeker een kans.

The fun thing is that, the moment things like this start getting traction, the ones in control know exactly which strings to pull. Most workers work to provide for a family. The moment a movement faces the threat of not being able to provide anymore, the first ones will retreat and the action will bleed out.

The only way to get something like this going would be to set up a social structure that will provide for anyone who participates even when the employers start pulling the strings. There has to be a safety net for people who can lose it all.

Klinkt als een onbetrouwbare tandarts. Leergeld betalen met de mededeling dat je direct op zoek gaat naar een nieuwe tandarts.

Everyone saying he got fired, while I am pretty damn sure this whole video is just an Amazon Prime ninja commercial.

Has there been an enjoyable team best team ever to watch after oldschool Ronaldinho era Barcelona?

Honesty if this is AI I am fucked because I cannot tell the difference anymore.

It is not like those teams have a choice. You give teams like, especially, Portugal some room to get into your box and they will go for a guaranteed dive for freekicks or penalties. That is the whole "favourites" game at this point:

  1. Ball possession to no end, regardless of efficiency

  2. Dives for easy goal opportunities

Germany is the only favourite this tournament that is playing well without adopting these football killing strategies.

Yeah, it is kind of pathetic how efficient diving has become. I feel like the "top" football countries would be stirred up quite a bit if diving would be punished instead of rewarded. Spain, Portugal, France...a lot of so called great football countries just play the "keep passing until we can fake a foul" game.