I'll give a pass to dandelions although I'd imagine that's not sustainable at all as any animals of decent size that could feed you would be better off just butchering at the start of winter if you know you'll be using that trick with intent of eating them, it does work as a means to feed the animals if youre trying to keep them alive all the way through and lessen the drain on the food you do have tho. However they specifically said that the roof trick was exploit like so I'd assume they wouldn't treat it as an intended method, the dandelion trick to me falls under similarly murkiness as I don't imagine it's intended to feed animals off growing crops as they all have the same nutrition value while if such method was intended there'd be more value on things like haygrass or foods that actually make sense.

Mind you animals eating growing crops is intended as that's the only way for wild animals to eat, but feeding domesticated animals via that method feels like it's pushing it, especially when you consider the pen is the method the devs intended for grazing animals to be fed like that.

While I do agree they still spent money, alot of those games are considered must plays by a fair amount of people, if you count those games as having saved the amount vs the few good but not must play games still significantly in the green which splits the difference of "saved 400$" vs "spent 125$" mentalitys perfectly

Impressive balance by the devs as the high end grinders is brought significantly lower as groups can't benefit from stacking multiple auras that solos wouldn't be able to do

I'm also disappointed by jump pack being so low, while it can't kill you, a diver calling you out across the parking lot and jumping across makes so much sense to me

I was gonna go with the opposite more incel take, if that damn woman doctor treated me half as much as Chadious ThunderLoveEnhancer I'd have recovered much faster, why do woman never go for the kind guys like me.

Granted, but as no child owns or runs a hospital the money goes into limbo, eventually parents start exploiting their kids trying to create childen's hospital to get the fabled EA money, any of the patients unfortunate enough to end up treated by these children die, but they're never shutdown as the parents still profit after bribing the authorities

Snow that creates blockage on belts and stacks up at the end of a belt burying a building or shortening the belt if it can't stack more...

God I hate the idea already, can't wait to play it

And top comment is a druid rn so that's what it'll be, agreed with druid warfare feeling like the most common pick, that or artificer imo

The part I hate is there's nothing even wrong, they're using shelves and the items not in shelves are furnisher, I guess I've been using better shelf alternatives as I never noticed how cluttered they look

Minor case to be made about giving a walkway, but they seemingly need all that space so can't fault them for it

Tbf normal adult at the age of 5 is still a child genius, and given that there'd be no rush for you to do college you'd be able to spend twice or 3 times the amount of time to get your degree and still be ahead of schedule

Several intended ways? Like what? Sunlamps indoors are the only intended one, unless you count ideo giving tunnelers mushrooms which ehhhh feels like a stretch given its specifically meant for the people that don't go out and want low light instead of a more generic colony

Everyone going for the horrible game "mechanics" but no let's ruin the game proper,

Firstly you're forced into a faction, alot of the pull of fnv is the factions and multiple endings but now there's only the 1 main one you can interact with (and of the minor ones you can join none are mutually exclusive, you can be in every faction at once and they never interact with each other or your factions so there is basically no replayability for story aspects)

Next, in your faction they acknowledge the Geneva convention, breaking it when faction npcs are present will result in an early game end as you are tried and convicted of war crimes, this has alot of aspects that it'll affect, notably for fnv aspects, no more disguises, no killing civs, any weapon that sets enemies on fire are banned, likewise for weapons that deal gamma damage or specifically designed for bleeding

Now you might be thinking fun challenge to hide the crimes to get things done more effectively? Nope forced faction companion, only 2 options, exact same personality just gender swap, can't change their gear as they are required to "stay in uniform", they have terrible sneak and will make you get caught before you can aim your silenced gun and don't have a wait options so no getting rid of them that way either

Skills, basically useless, no gun skills, no repair skills (or repairing), you still level up the other skills but they show up as dialogue or alternative solutions less often than they did in fo4

The story? You spend the first 15 hrs doing busy task constantly running back and forth to your base for fetch missions (or scouting missions, or kill 5 of these guys missions, never a 2 part task), everytime you finish your task you are unable to teleport to the base as it's under attack, but the attack ends by the time you get there as it was just a molerat, radroach, or single feral ghoul

After those 15 hrs? You finally get a single multi part mission, doing what? Spending the next 2 hrs informing the various wide perimeter scouts, once you report back the game ends with 0 payout and only a brief "they did the thing" style narration ending

The final fuck you? No cool unique locations, it's in fucking Wisconsin or some shit and besides the base there's only 7 or so places that'd you consider settlements and they have 3 npcs each, 2 of them being generic with no lines

This is really it, they did say sweats and screaming, would be curious how many times yiu wake up which is the important factor, if you just wake up when you normally would you're probably still getting pretty good sleep that you'd adjust to after about an hour, if we're talking woken up 1 or twice a night that'd destroy you long term

Huh good to know, I remember hearing that it was solved and the why it was impossible to figure out in captivity, I figured someone would have done the impossible of having some eels at one of the temps and them changing to females then cross referencing the original experiment to see they had them at a different temp and were male then going from there

Where was there FEV besides the institute? I can't think of any which what led me to say it, with NV you have the just proximity to the masters vault so centaurs being around is fine, and fo3 you have vault 81(?) that had the mutants trying to make more mutants which would lead to centaurs

I wonder how many people are on the other side of things, where they used the justification that "if they landed people on the moon then I should be able to make..." I'd love to see how many things came about only because people got motivated by the moon landing

Kinda both, my understanding of i is that it was never recorded so they didn't know where they did it, and because in captivity they were unable to successfully breed them they didn't know how too (due to all the captive eels being male iirc).

I want to say they were able to determine how they did it first which then led to finding where, atleast I'm not too sure how they'd determine how they did it if they just found the where first.

I'll make the case while we understand more but we know less if that makes sense, there's alot we can see simply the surface level of and make assumptions from there, but things like moisture on mars/moon were things that were only confirmed in the last 5 years (ignoring the mars ice cap, specifically referring to the subsurface water there), we have less of an understanding of the ocean in the sense of some of the specific stuff (like eels being weird and having their gender decided by water temp and saltiness during mating season iirc) but there is far less things that can surprise us as a whole

One potentially useful case for disciunt identify, I'd give it to the players that if they use it on a curse items that they've previously identified as something else (as something like a bag if hunger appears as a bag if holding iirc) that the spell fails, there'd be little/no reason for them to identify something they know what it is and even less reason for them to know the spells trick, so if they somehow manage to pull it off I'd give it to them

Bard cast detect thots

"there are sexy singles in your area that want to meet you"

Make a few variants of this, fey that goes on about how nice it'd be, a devil that lays out how the players would be able to achieve the results themselves, something with telepathy to judge and mock the players for thinking their wish would accomplish their desired results, a mystical monkey (covering their ears) so that while the players are obviously worried about a monkey paw they don't catch that the monkey can not hear their wish and thus never grants it

I'm sure there's more ways to fuck with the players along this line of thinking, but I'm tapped out on those 4, adding in their lesser dijin for 5 so need 1 more for it to be a d6 of what kind of wish granter they summon

I loved zion in fnv and ended up going there for a short visit when I was going cross country, it isn't as valley like as NV makes it but is really a beautiful place (wasn't as confined as the game made it feel, need to actually go through the map again to try getting a feel for its layout to try figuring out how they made it that way) the eastern exit and following 5 mi drive was actually my favorite part, the sight at sunset is stunning. As a disappointing aspect I found out that the devils staircase is actually outside the national park and in a state park a fair bit away so I wasn't able to see it myself as I didn't know until I was leaving to elsewhere.

For my next trip I'm actually intending to see Bar Harbor and Acadia. Kinda funny that fallout of all games is one of my driving factors in seeing some national parks

2 imo is the best to be at, 1 camping on the dk, the other flexible to be put wherever you need in the moment (argument to be made for 3 since bubo does benefit nicely from more crystals and would probably want to camp them too)

Huh... never actually realized there's no centaurs in 4, it makes some sense as besides the institute there's no FEV virus at play (doesn't really explain why there's so many mutants in 4 tho) whereas with 3 and NV it's pretty obvious why there's centaurs where there are mutants