Let's see how our defense holds up before we say this.

Tbh, just bite the bullet and do the time jump. Have The Batman 2 or 3 introduce Dick, and then jump to a more sophisticated and elder Bruce Wayne having to deal with Damian. The worldbuilding of the rest of the family can be unveiled as they go on with The Brave and The Bold.

:dal-1: Mavericks

This man would not have survived the last few years of KD freezing the whole market.

Genya has no breathing techniques, is screwing up his body by eating demons, and insists on following Sanemi around who is taking Hashira-level missions. I honestly think his eventual death is a foregone conclusion.

He wants to blind him so he is forced to retire. He didn't care what it took.

Yes, it's messed up. That's still what his intent was. Not saying Sanemi is mentally healthy, but he would rather have his brother be blind than dead.

How did Fontaine improve almost everything and yet somehow create the most useless traveler.

Like Pyro Traveler is about to be straight garbage too.

My dream is that Matt Reeves agrees to make The Batman canon for the DCU and Battinson is our new Batman moving forward.

Because none of Snyder's characters have any character arcs lmao. If he couldn't get a character arc done in one solo film and one Justice League movie then maybe he's not a good writer. Even in both Rebel Moon films there is like one okay character at best, and that's like 6 hours of screentime.

Also Snyder hates the concept of Superman and Batman, idk why anybody even wanted him to make films of those guys. Give him somebody like the Punisher and let him go nuts.

I know Matt Reeves doesn't want to do it, but if you're delaying The Batman 2 by this much, you might as well make Battinson the canon Batman. He's not opposed to it, and clearly enjoys the role.

Seeing him evolve in his own movies into Bruce Wayne and then step into the public eye as Bruce Wayne to buy the Justice League would be so cool.

And now I'm wondering how Nightwing and the Teen Titans would fit into this. My hope is that the Teen Titans (led by Dick) are created out of inspiration of Superman's hero style and are jaded with the other adults. Either that or just run the whole "found family" shtick again.

I know our defense took a hit but having somebody above the break that isn't Lukai yoinking the spacing of the defense is really good.

Late comment but fucking hell, if the jumper scene is in this movie then I'm going to bawl like a baby. If done well that scene will literally save lives again.

Basically it's the evolved version of "peak"

Sanemi also threw a match at Muzan and lit him on fire when he couldn't land a hit, he's definitely the most crafty.

I also got to give Iguro points because fighting Muzan right after going 100% blind is in no way easy.

:dal-1: Mavericks

Dawg we said this like 5 years ago. Even if Lebron has to have 5 hours of physical therapy before games he will do it.

The only question is will he prefer to shoot in rhythm or will he be fine with catch and shoots. Most of his 3s in Golden State were coming around an (illegal) screen, so he had a couple steps and dribbles in. But it seems he's confident he can make it work anyways, so I'm hype.