Yeah man it is totally true. Have you read GDPR? For example - how many websites have you come across that let you delete your tracking data whenever you want. Because that is a requirement. Have you ever seen that on a website in your life?

Reminds me of year 1 of Four Chord Fest.

We Are The Union (reunion show), Turnover, Modern Baseball, Real Friends, The Wonder Years.

But the famous quote is just generalizing a "smart person". IQ is never mentioned.

It’s not about Republicans it’s about Independents and Swing voters

I'm replying to "the other half of America". Half of America aren't independent voters.

There are zero scenarios where giving a heads up you're looking is a good idea. Never do that in your life. Maybe the one thing us workers have against our bosses is information about what we are doing and thinking. Don't give that up.

I truly do not understand how everyone on Reddit thinks this would make Republicans vote for Biden.

Candidates do not matter. Our 2 political parties are too far apart in policy for the candidate to matter at all.

Abortion rights? Gun control? LGBTQ rights? Border stuff? You name it. Each side is fully in support or against them all. There is no "some of column A and some of column B". Its all or nothing.

So if you are pro choice, for gun control, pro LGBTQ etc. You have no choice. You have one political party to vote for. The candidate doesn't matter. If Biden was found guilty of 34 felonies, what are you gonna do? Vote Trump or 3rd party... both meaning a Trump win... and both meaning every single thing you value in your life will be voted against and attacked when Trump is in office.

Of course you aren't going to do that. You have to vote for Biden regardless, because its the only way that the things you value will be supported.

And that is how Trump supporters feel as well. They aren't going to say "I agree Trump is bad, so I'm going to vote against every single thing that matters in my life". They will never do that. And you will never do that. And no one will ever do that to the point where it impacts an election.

Would be cool to keep track of how many links there are and show that on the page so we all know which fallacies are most used.

it's probably because it needed doing.

The algorithm will learn that when there is nothing of value to tell workers to do, it is better to give them tasks that don't really have to be done, just so they keep their brains working and don't get lazy and complacent.

Isnt it crazy how the #1 biggest indicator of being a Democrat is simply being around more people?

The more people you are exposed to, the more lifestyles, cultures, backgrounds, etc. you are exposed to. You start to see, hey, all these different groups Republicans hate are actually normal and good people! Wow!

People that live in wide open areas only have their computers and TV to tell them how to feel about these groups of people they never come in contact with, so they just believe what they're told.

Its like being vegan and having to choose between salad and steak. And people are like "how can you still choose salad when you know the guy who made it is a felon".

It's crazy. When you are young and growing up, you are bombarded with new things. For basically 25 years in a row you just keep learning, keep experiencing, keep wondering. You try things, some fail, some succeed. Its just this huge onslaught of new feelings. And that kind of experience makes a huge mark on a person. To the point where you could live 80 more years and still hold that time the most fondly of any.

I wish somehow we could have that same feeling all throughout life.

Did I? I can condense it down to "remember back when hunters played how they were originally designed".

No other class in the game had its original archetype changed as much as hunter. And I didn't even mention how only 2 out of 39 specs can use guns/bows as their primary weapon. It used to be a whopping 3 specs but Blizzard took one away because fuck it.

but gutting pets like they did

Remember back when all 3 hunter specs were you, fighting at range, with your one bonded pet. Just you and them. You were a team.

And now none of the 3 hunter specs does optimal DPS from range with one pet.

which they didn’t even do properly

Copy paste this for every change to Hunter in the past 10 years

I truly do not understand how everyone on Reddit thinks this would make Republicans vote for Biden.

Candidates do not matter. Our 2 political parties are too far apart in policy for the candidate to matter at all.

Abortion rights? Gun control? LGBTQ rights? Border stuff? You name it. Each side is fully in support or against them all. There is no "some of column A and some of column B". Its all or nothing.

So if you are pro choice, for gun control, pro LGBTQ etc. You have no choice. You have one political party to vote for. The candidate doesn't matter. If Biden was found guilty of 34 felonies, what are you gonna do? Vote Trump or 3rd party... both meaning a Trump win... and both meaning every single thing you value in your life will be voted against and attacked when Trump is in office.

Of course you aren't going to do that. You have to vote for Biden regardless, because its the only way that the things you value will be supported.

And that is how Trump supporters feel as well. They aren't going to say "I agree Trump is bad, so I'm going to vote against every single thing that matters in my life". They will never do that. And you will never do that. And no one will ever do that to the point where it impacts an election.

Me not playing will absolutely never cause this situation to change

"Me not voting does not impact the presidential election"

Not trying to be rude but you sound like you're in high school and don't understand how the world works.

Instead of expressing disappointment you should do something that actually impacts change and never buy it.

No other band gets more people to say "these dudes were so underrated"