Most of the countries I focus on in my story are based on Balkan and Eurasian Steppe cultures, especially Serbia, Bulgaria, and Scythia. The most powerful nation on the continent is a large empire with a Mediterranean climate and landscape, but its dominant group resembles the Etruscans rather than Romans. The other two major countries are based on Kazakhstan and the Crimean Khanate.

Some of the more distant places are based on, for example, Ethiopia, the Mali Empire, the Tuareg, Assyria, and Finland (with ridiculous place names translated from the Finnish ones). Basically the only countries popular in fantasy I took inspiration from are Ancient Greece and Japan. I don't have carbon copies of them, though. Rather, there's an archipelago with some traits loosely resembling these cultures (in a way that hopefully doesn't read like a weird mishmash), but with dinosaurs.