I’m so frustrated and I feel like this is the only place to vent. I completed a HUGE project earlier this week and in anticipation I booked a really nice restaurant weeks ago to celebrate with my husband tonight, and got my mom to agree to watch the kids. The rest of this week absolutely sucked due to picking up all the balls I dropped while doing this huge project, so I was exhausted going into this weekend.

And of course, my mom just called and says she is not up to watching them. She’s been dealing with health issues so I truly don’t blame her for the late cancellation. It was not smart of me to plan on her for care this week. It’s too late to find a babysitter and one of my kids has been a low-key nightmare this afternoon anyway, not sure if she’s getting sick.

It just sucks that I had this one nice thing that I had to plan for myself to mark a big achievement that no one else really cared about, and it’s been just ruined. My husband keeps talking about getting takeout tonight and planing a makeup night, and I know it’s childish of me, but I feel like this is tainted now. All I want to do is put the kids to bed, have a large glass of wine, and sulk.