I recently started working from home and I am so bored. I maybe have 1 meeting a week and my coworkers are all working in different places so we don’t really talk during the day. Sometimes we’re all in the office together and it’s great and I love that but I have no idea how to stay motivated at home. There’s only so many podcasts I can listen to, I need some human interaction. I’m wondering if anyone else has delt with this, and I’m also curious if there’s like a teams chat or a discord where people just hop on and chat during the day.

Edit: I appreciate everyone who has given me good suggestions. To everyone saying that I should find more things to do, I have a lot of work to do. I am incredibly busy all day, it’s the lack of social interaction that drives me insane. And anyone who’s told me to work harder or to work on new projects, I do all of that but again, no social interaction so I’m way less productive and motivated.