
Hello all,

I want to hollow out the top section of this tree stump. I'd like to use the hollow to keep a bottle of Whiskey in. Not because I'm a closet alcoholic stashing booze away, just for novelty value for when chopping a bit of kindling for outdoor chimnea / firepit lighting for when we have people over. The last picture shows the top that I'd just secure with one nail that would then swivel to the side.

I made the first initial small hole just with a hammer and chisel, but soon became apparent that doing the whole thing that way will take waaaaay too long. I have a corded Bosch hand drill that I could buy a long flat wood / forstner drill bit for maybe? I'd need to drill down almost 14 inches though.

I don't have access to any bench drill / lathe type setup so would just be the hand drill available power tool wise.

Any suggestions much appreciated.