i have adhd and maybe autism but really bad adhd. my whole life is about where to find dopamine.

dopamine is had by solving problems, which i do. but i am also perceived as "lacking focus", so my skip level wanted to move me off my product line and put someone else in (we are not interchangeable!!) and my boss talked him down. which, hey, thats a win.

but its so funny that being cluttered and messy and having a strong sense of justice and being outspoken r so punished and i can't shake the feeling that its not only because i am visibly displaying adhd symptoms but because i am hypervisible as one of two women in my dept, and my product line is the problem child.

i am so smart, and competent, and kind, and fun, and helpful but none of it matters bc the money machine isn't going brrrrrrr fast enough and if my desk wasn't messy maybe it would go faster. or something.


my boss knows i plan on dipping as soon as i get an offer, but its just deeply sad that an org that "cares about DE+I" sucks so badly at living up to that.

edit: if youre gonna be weird at me in the comments, this is for u

wow, i've never thought about it like that before. and i never will. i've already forgotten what you said, good bye forever