Thanks to this community, the wider Youtube community, and everyone I've asked questions to, I've pretty much got a *full* setup for less than £325.

This is my first kit, so I've budgeted on a lot of things and do feel quite bad about the Snowbird sleeping bag, based on the fact the ethics/sourcing isn't exactly where I'd like it to be. I've also gone for a cheaper stove vs Msr pocket rocket whilst I start out.

I will certainly look to upgrade my kit as needed, but feel for a first time wild camper it's a good barrier to entry.

I've added my *main* kit to show it can be possible to do it cheaper and that we don't all need to go out and spend £1000 on a tent, or even £300!.

I could have even made this cheaper, but my main focus was price vs weight.

Of course I'm missing things like a pillow, first aid kit and a few other items, but thought they were cheap enough to not need to warrant taking the price into account!
