He died so suddenly, I’m struggling to keep myself together. Most people have been lovely and so wonderful during this time but I feel heartbroken again because some people close to me and husband have done and said things that have made his passing so much harder.

First, not even days after his death, the same people who claimed to care about him made assumptions about how he died and using his death as a PSA on social media despite not knowing shit about the facts surrounding it. Then when I had him cremated those same people were angry because there was no service with a viewing or coffin, even after I explained that he made it clear in the past that he would not have wanted his body to be viewed and wanted a party to celebrate him instead. Then when I was talking about him and his silly antics that I loved so much, one of them had the fucking nerve to claim I was speaking ill of him since he’s dead. I then told them they don’t care about he wanted or the joy he was (his good parts and flaws that made him a wonderful soulmate) they only care about what they want and about making themselves look good in front of others.

I’m so fed up with dealing with them at this point. I’m trying my hardest to comply with what I know my husband would have wanted and to cherish the time I had with him just to get by one more day. I hate how the people I once trusted turned into self serving opportunists when my husband’s body was still warm.