My husband is very (and I mean VERY) excited about the new VW ID.Buzz van. We have always planned around 2024-2025 we would likely need to replace one of our cars, and were hoping the EV market would have options we were interested in. He recently expressed to me that he’s worried when the ID.Buzz finally available in the US and we test drive it we will hate it or it will be wildly expensive with additional features or different specs than Europe and then we will need to start all over with our search.

We want an EV that we can take family car camping (2 young kids, will need car seats for a few years), on road trips, and local bike excursions. We are also looking for something that can fit a full sheet of plywood for home constructions projects. For reference, we have a Subaru Outback that fits our camping gear/food for 2 nights. The Outback doesn’t fit a full sheet of plywood haha. We would need AWD, but we understand the distance limitations of camping with an EV and aren’t thinking anything extreme. Features like heated seats, steering wheel, etc, a plus. We would want up to date features like Bluetooth, navigation screen, etc. We need 2 cars most days, so would also get a lot of use taking kids to school or commuting to work.

Budget is probably $50-70k, but he would definitely prefer $50k. We can’t afford a Rivian.