I've been playing since the NES so ive been aware for a LONG time of Game releases, controversies and hype around them, and i wont lie i always thought that "hype culture" is not a good thing (although unevitable)

But Grand theft auto 6 is on an entire new level, maybe its because the internet is bigger than It ever was in history but ive never seen a Game so anticipated as GTA 6, maybe after more than a decade of waiting that was to be expected but im the only one or crazy for thinking that this insane level of hype and expectations Will lead the Game to be a dissapointment? No Matter how good the Game Will be?

The more the hype the biggest the dissapointment (even if the Game is actually good and theres only minuscule details the people doesnt like about It) and i dont even want to think if the Game does things like Raising the price to 100$ like the rumors may indicate or add things like microtransactions to the single player may led to the biggest shitstorm the internet have ever seen (if a lesser known Game but giant controversy like Dragon's Dogma 2 led me to believe)

Am i wrong or crazy for thinking this? Or anyone share my thoughts?